Critically compare and contrast the psychodynamic, cognitive behavioural and humanistic approaches to psych intervention

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Introduction (no more than 150 words)

1. Core values and key theoretical concepts

1.1 Core values and key theoretical concepts of the psychodynamic approach

1.2 Core values and key theoretical concepts of the cognitive-behavioural approach

1.3 Core values and key theoretical concepts of the humanistic approach

1.4 Core values of the three approaches compared and contrasted

1.5 My values (briefly describe which approach most fits your own values and style of understanding people and their problems)

2. Describe and compare how each approach is practiced

2.1 The practice of psychodynamic therapy
2.2 The practice of cognitive-behavioural therapy
2.2 The practice of humanistic therapy
2.3 Comparison and contrast of how the three approaches are practiced

2.4 Describe the application of one technique, or theoretical understanding, of one of the three approaches to your own life. Be specific about how you have applied the technique or understanding to your own life.

3. The applicability of the psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural and humanistic approaches to the Aotearoa New Zealand context with specific focus on Maori.

3.1 Aotearoa, Maori and therapeutic psychology (here you can briefly provide a general introduction on Aotearoa and Maori. No more than 1/3 of this section).

3.2 Suitability of psychodynamic approaches to work with Maori
3.3 Suitability of cognitive-behavioural approaches to work with Maori

3.4 Comparison of the three approaches

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Explanation & Answer



Approaches to Psychological Intervention
Institutional Affiliation




Psychological intervention is guided by specific theories or approaches which act as a
roadmap for psychologists when offering various services to clients. These approaches to
psychological interventions enable psychologists to understand their clients’ problems and
develop appropriate solutions for them. Psychosocial interventions in applied psychology are
actions or strategies undertaken to bring change, improvement, and healing, among mentally ill
individuals. They generally involve modification of behavior, emotions, and feeling, thus
improving the psychological welfare of patients. These interventions are linked to the different
dimension of understanding human psycho-social behavior. Psychodynamic, cognitive
behavioral and humanistic approaches represent the three main approaches to psychological
interventions and counseling. Although all these approaches have a common goal to improve the
psychological welfare and mental status among patients, they are different in various
perspectives, including their core values, how they are practiced, as well as how they can be
applied in various circumstances.
1. Core Values and Key Concepts
Psychodynamic Approach
The psychodynamic approach to psychological intervention involves interpretation of
emotional and mental processes. The strategy includes all psychological theories that view
human functioning from the basis of interaction of forces within an individual, specifically
unconsciousness, and between other personality structures (Shedler, 2010).Stemming from
typical psychoanalysis, the approach draws from relationships between objects such as selfpsychology and ego psychology. The procedure was developed as a more straightforward, more
comfortable and shorter alternative to understanding psychoanalysis. The psychodynamic
approach aims to address the formation and foundation of psychological processes, and therefore
reduce symptoms and generally improve the life of patients (Jones & Pulos, 2013). The core
values of the psychodynamic approach entail effective strategies for helping patients understand
and solve their present problems, as well as help them gain insight into their lives. These
approaches also seek to assist therapists in evaluating the behavioral patterns that people develop
over time.
The psychodynamic approaches are based on various theoretical assumptions and
concepts. First, human feelings, behavior, and emotions are strongly impacted by the
unconscious motives. The unconscious body is comprised of mental processes which are
influence behavior, beliefs, and judgments but are inaccessible to consciousness (Jones & Pulos,
2013). According to the proponents of this approach, the primary source of human behavior is
the unconscious mind. Rational decisions, motives, and feelings are powerfully determined by
previous or past experiences that are unconsciously stored in mind. The attitude and behavior of
adult human beings including mental problems are linked to childhood experiences. According
to the psychodynamic approach, childhood events influence adulthood life, because these events
are stored in the unconscious mind and causes future problems (Shedler, 2010).This approach
seeks to understand psychoanalysis from the notion that there is a cause for every behavior that is
usually unconscious; thus human behavior, emotions, and feelings are determined.



The approach can demonstrate how an individual interacts with their significant others,
including friends and relatives. It shows how the early life of an individual impact on the present
behavior. The psychodynamic approach understands human personality into three parts,
including the id, ego, and superego (Shedler, 2010).The id is the mechanical and primitive
component of personality, consisting of inherited or biological components. The ego is
developed to reconcile between the first id and the actual physical world. The superego includes
the societal morals and values that are developed from an individual’s social life. The
psychodynamic approach, therefore, consists of the psychoanalytic approaches, led by Sigmoid
Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of understanding human behavior, for effective psychological
intervention (Jones & Pulos, 2013).
Cognitive Behavioral Approach
The cognitive behavioral approach (CBT) to psychological intervention focuses on the
basic premise where negative emotions, feelings, and behavior arise from. The focus is on an
individual’s faulty cognition that can influence by stressors and factors within the individual’s
environment (Morrison et al., 2004). The cognitive behavioral approach is based on the
understanding that the dysfunctional behaviors, emotions, feelings, and thoughts of a person can
be developed from the systematic biases or the mistaken internal processes. It integrates the
aspects of cognitive therapy and cognitive restructuring with techniques of behavioral/emotional
modification in an attempt to devise a therapeutic structure for identification of maladaptive and
irrational feelings, assumptions, thoughts and central beliefs linked to an individual’s condition
(Speckens et al., 2015).Psychological problems theoretically stem from the cognition of system
bias that usually comprises of dichotomous or polarized thinking labeling, mislabeling,
overgeneralization, minimization and magnification, mind reading, arbitrary interference,
selective abstraction, and personalization.
Cognitive behavioral approach values and emphasizes on individuals to take control of
their situations or entire life through psycho-education with various techniques that are
prescribed based on individual diagnosis (Speckens et al., 2015).The unconditional self-regard
extends to include the categorical regard of others which is simultaneous with values based on
social work and strengths. The primary goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to empower
clients to take control over their situations and manage their own lives in healthy and adapti...

Very useful material for studying!


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