Structured Programming
Tutor-Marked Assignment
July 2018 Presentation
This assignment is worth 18 % of the final mark for ICT133, Structured Programming.
Submit as Text, not python software.
The cut-off date for this assignment is Friday, 07 September 2018, 2355 hours.
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You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code, Title of
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Tutor-Marked Assignment
Answer all questions.
Question 1
Develop a simple game application without using the data type dictionary. Allow any
number of players to play MasterMind together. Take current player points – previous
player points, easier method. To take note if there’s any
For the game design and implementation, you must adhere to the following constraints:
Game Play:
Start the application by asking the user how many players will be
playing MasterMind and the names of the players.
Before each new game commences, the application randomly generates
a hidden code.
To generate the hidden code, the application makes 4 random choices to
pick 4 different colors from 6 colors (stored as a string "RGBYOP").
The letters represent the 6 distinct colors: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow,
Orange and Purple. The random choices are stored as a single string e.g.,
Players take turns to make a guess, the order follows the order the names
are entered. When it is a player’s turn, he guesses the colors and
positions of the hidden code. The guess is read as a string and consists
of 4 letters e.g., "BORY". The result of his guess is displayed before the
next player takes his turn. Show both the before and after score of a
player after his guess is checked.
The next player then takes his turn, each guess is checked and the score
updated, until the game ends when the hidden code is broken, that is, a
player gets 4 black pins. At the end of each game, print out the details
of the players and list the winner(s). The output should be shown on both
screen and file.
The players can repeatedly decide whether to play another game of
MasterMind. If the players decide to stop play, print out the players with
the most number of games won. The output should be shown on both
screen and file.
Computation of scores and winners:
Each right color in the wrong position earns the player a white pin which
is worth 1 point, and each right color in the right position earns the
player a black pin or 5 points. In this example, the guess earns 2 white
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Tutor-Marked Assignment
pins and 1 black pin, and the program displays WWB, subjected to this
consideration: Only additional pins a player gets will earn him points.
Only additional pins a player gets will earn him points. For example,
assume that throughout game play thus far, the best performance for
white pins is 2 and the best performance for black pins is 0. If now, a
player guesses and gets a black pin and a white pin, he will be awarded
5 more points as he has 1 additional black pin. His white pin does not
earn him any points as he has no additional white pin.
At the end of each game, add 1 to the number of games won to the player
that breaks the code and to any player that has the most points for that
game. Therefore, a player that breaks the code and who also has the most
points will have 2 added to the number of games won thus far.
When the players decide to stop playing, print out the players with the
most number of games won. The output should be shown on both screen
and file.
A sample run of the program is shown below:
Enter number of players: 3
Enter player's name: alan
Enter player's name: betty
Enter player's name: cindy
Alan, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: BYOP
Result WWB
Current Player: Alan Current Score: 0
Current Player: Alan Updated Score: 7
Betty, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: BYOR
Result WB
Current Player: Betty Current Score: 0
Current Player: Betty Updated Score: 0
Cindy, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: BYPG
Result WWWB
Current Player: Cindy Current Score: 0
Current Player: Cindy Updated Score: 1
Alan, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: BPGY
Result BBBB
Current Player: Alan Current Score: 7
Current Player: Alan Updated Score: 22
Correct guess!
[['Alan', 22, 2], ['Betty', 0, 0], ['Cindy', 1, 0]]
Winner: ['Alan', 22, 2]
to play and any letter to stop:
Alan, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: RGBY
Result WBB
Current Player: Alan Current Score: 0
Current Player: Alan Updated Score: 11
Betty, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: ORBY
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Result BBBB
Current Player: Betty Current Score: 0 Current
Player: Betty Updated Score: 10
Correct guess!
[['Alan', 11, 3], ['Betty', 10, 1], ['Cindy', 0, 0]]
Winner: ['Betty', 10, 1]
to play and any letter to stop: s
Overall Winner: ['Alan', 11, 3]
Program end
[['Alan', 22, 2], ['Betty', 0, 0], ['Cindy', 1, 0]]
Winner: ['Alan', 22, 2]
[['Alan', 11, 3], ['Betty', 10, 1], ['Cindy', 0, 0]]
Winner: ['Betty', 10, 1]
Overall Winner: ['Alan', 11, 3]
Demonstrate how you implement top-down design to the problem, showing at
least 3 levels of refinement. Show also the final set of functions derived from
your top-down design in a structure chart.
(10 marks)
Implement your solution based on your structure chart in part Q3(a) and specify
the order in which you test your functions.
(20 marks)
Question 2
Modify the game application in question Q3:
Use the data type dictionary to record each player’s name, score for the
current game and the number of games won thus far. Use the data type
dictionary for any other appropriate values.
Before each new game commences, besides randomly generating a
hidden code, the application also randomly orders the players to take turn in
that order
(10 marks)
(b) Justify the data types used for the data values used in your program using terms such
as mutable, immutable, scalar and collection.
(5 marks)
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Tutor-Marked Assignment
A sample run of the program is shown below:
Enter number of players: 3
Enter player's name: alan
Enter player's name: betty
Enter player's name: collin
Playing in this order ['Alan', 'Collin', 'Betty']
Alan, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: rgby
Result WB
Current Player: Alan Current Score: 0
Current Player: Alan Updated Score: 6
Collin, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: rbyp
Result WW
Current Player: Collin Current Score: 0
Current Player: Collin Updated Score: 1
Betty, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: pgoy
Result WWBB
Current Player: Betty Current Score: 0
Current Player: Betty Updated Score: 5
Alan, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: gpoy
Result BBBB
Current Player: Alan Current Score: 6
Current Player: Alan Updated Score: 16
Correct guess!
{'Alan': {'score': 16, 'won': 2}, 'Betty': {'score': 5, 'won': 0}, 'Collin':
{'score': 1, 'won': 0}}
Winner: Alan {'score': 16, 'won': 2}
to play and any letter to stop:
Playing in this order ['Betty', 'Collin', 'Alan']
Betty, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: rgby
Result WBB
Current Player: Betty Current Score: 0
Current Player: Betty Updated Score: 11
Collin, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: rbgo
Result WBB
Current Player: Collin Current Score: 0
Current Player: Collin Updated Score: 0
Alan, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: yrbg
Result WWW
Current Player: Alan Current Score: 0
Current Player: Alan Updated Score: 2
Betty, make a guess of 4 colors from RGBYOP: rogy
Result BBBB
Current Player: Betty Current Score: 11
Current Player: Betty Updated Score: 21
Correct guess!
{'Alan': {'score': 2, 'won': 2}, 'Betty': {'score': 21, 'won': 2}, 'Collin':
{'score': 0, 'won': 0}}
Winner: Betty {'score': 21, 'won': 2}
to play and any letter to stop: s
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Overall Winner: Alan
Overall Winner: Betty
Program end
Do not need to produce same output as this.
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