Literature Review on an article (must be from an academic source)

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I need to find an article or a journal so I can work on the Literature Review, the article must be from an academic source and it has to be about a study Ex: Drugs and their effects on students or body image and happiness

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Literature Review and Reference List – Helpful Reminder Data Sheet Name and first name of author(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________ Title of the book or of the article: _____________________________________________________________________________________ If an article, title of the Journal: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Editor, city, and year of publication OR Volume number, issue, date of publication _____________________________________________________________________________________ Page numbers, if available: _____________________________________________________________________________________ If taken off the Internet, the URL: _____________________________________________________________________________________ If taken off the Internet/ProQuest, the date you visited the web page/you retrieved the article. _____________________________________________________________________________________ What is this book talking about? (You should write a bit more than this space allows you) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What are the keywords that I used in my search for this book/article to come out? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Summarizing an Article Answer the following questions, and then use those answers as the basis for a paragraph summarizing the article. 1. What were the researchers trying to find out? 2. Why do the authors think this is an important area to study? 3. What was the research method? 4. What instruments were used? 5. What was the population? 6. What was the sample? 7. What was the most important information that was gathered? 8. What were the results (INCLUDE NUMBERS!!)? If there were statistical tests done, were they significant? 9. What were the conclusions the authors reached? 10. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the study? 1. Title and authors of article 2. Date and source of article
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Drug consumption
Institution Affiliation



Name and first name of author(s): Maria Terezinha, Halley Hamilton, Bruna Brands, Maria da
Gloria, Francisco Cumsille and Akwantu Khenti.
Title of the article: Drug consumption among university students: family, spirituality, and
entertainment moderating influence of pairs.
Page numbers: 125-35 pages
The year of publication is 2015 and published in Florianopolis which is volume 24 of the
Date accessed: 05 September, 2018
The article contains 125-135 pages of the whole research.
What the book is talking about.
The study aims to understand the role played by family members, spiritual connections,
and areas of enjoyment in the average relationship between the influence of drug consumption
among students who are in universities. The study collects data from a sample of t...

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