BIOL 109 Journal 3

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Chapter 5 & 8

1. What were the main points of this chapter's lessons? Be sure to define any important terms. Make sure to write at least two paragraphs for each lesson.

2. What was your muddiest point on this chapter? That is, what are you having the most trouble understanding? If you have no muddy point, please state "I have no muddy point."

3. What would you like to know more about from this chapter, and why?

4. How does this chapter relate to something you have already learned in another course or through life experiences?

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Explanation & Answer

hey there here is the journal I went ahead and uploaded it
check_circle Sksantana8 marked this question as complete.

Chapter 5
This chapter begins with cell replication. The first concept in the section is genome,
which is a cells complete set of DNA. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells contain
genomes. In prokaryotes it is a single double stranded DNA while in eukaryotes it is
more complex. The eukaryotic genome is made of several double stranded DNA
molecules that are bound with proteins in order to form chromosomes. Human somatic
cells have 46 chromosomes, it is a diploid cell which means it has two sets of
chromosomes. The cells that have one set of 23 chromosomes are called gametes also
called sex cells. Genes are located in homologous chromosomes. Each homologous
pair of chromosomes originat...

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