
User Generated




Peer Replies: Read several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your classmates, and at least one of your classmates’ responses to your initial post (total of THREE), by Day 7 (Monday). Can you offer your peer elaboration or clarification about one of the constructs they discussed? Did you discuss differing aspects of behaviorism in your own posting that you could share in your reply? Do you have a differing opinion about why learning behaviors should or should not be associated with anti-mentalism?

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Explanation & Answer

Hi there! Find attached.Regards

Surname 1
Discussion Responses
Discussion #1 Response
I strongly agree with you that most people easily reach judgments that are not based on fact
but on what they think. Anti-mentalism illustrates how human beings object the idea of learning
one's behavior through their mind. However, people who study others through their reasoning may
require to dig deeper bef...

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