Perspective on human communication

User Generated


Business Finance


Then answer the following questions:

  1. Which commercial did you choose? Briefly summarize the events of the commercial.
  2. Who is the specific audience for this commercial (who is it intended for?) How do you know?
  3. What is the message that the audience is supposed to receive? How does it motivate the audience to purchase the product? Don't just describe what they say in the commercial, but instead use your critical thinking skills to think about the deeper/underlying message. Does the commercial try to elicit emotions, does it use stereotypes, or does it appeal to the consumer's insecurities in some way?
  4. How is the message being conveyed—why did the company choose to give their message in this way? Again, go beyond surface level and think critically here.
  5. Consider the individual elements of the commercial—the music, the actors, the lighting, the voiceover, the setting, the style, etc. How does each of these things affect the overall message?
  6. How might a different audience (one that the ad was not intended for) interpret the message differently?

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