informative speech on service animals

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Business Finance

Chesapeake College


have to do 6 min presentation on the speech. has to open with some to catch audience talk positives and what it takes but also why people get upset when faked

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Oral Presentation - Informative Presentation Fundamentals of Oral and Organizational Communication For this five-seven minute oral assignment and one page outline, you may choose a topic from the list of topics in your text. Communicating for Results: a Guide for Business and the Professions, in Chapter 11 on page 322. A copy of this list is provided on the back of this assignment sheet. Or, you may choose a topic from a separate list of "Informative Speech Topics" provided by the instructor. Five - seven minutes will be timed by the instructor. You must list your sources of information in the form of a bibliography at the end of your outline. Your topic must be approved by the instructor. This is not a manuscript presentation - you cannot simply stand in front of the class and read your presentation paper to the audience. Your goal is to introduce your topie, present information to support your views (using your notes as a reminder), and conclude by summarizing the topic or the issue. You may use any props to support your information such as objects, photographs, products, handouts, fliers, etc. You may use still photographs off the Internet, slides from a PowerPoint presentation and/or a short video (no longer than 15 - 30 seconds) or an audio clip. Consider your audience; choose a topic from the list that interests you and about which you think you can inform the class. For example, you might explain the pros and cons of telecommuting, the advantages and/or disadvantages of hiring older workers, healthcare, or, globalization and American jobs. Again, something that interests you and that you can share with the audience. Informative Speech Outline Go to the Internet, the learning resources center, or a library to get factual information to support your topic. You must establish your credibility. Therefore, your outline must list references or the sources (at least two) you used for your factual information (Internet, journals, personal interviews, etc.) and be turned in when you make your presentation. For your outline, develop an introduction that clearly introduces your topic. Develop the body of the presentation around several main points and support them with evidence. Clearly articulate your conclusion, summarizing your findings. Decide how you will organize your presentation so that it will be most effective in achieving your purpose. In your presentation you should introduce the topic. Support it with your main points. Close with a conclusion which will provide a summary of your findings. Read Chapter 14, pages 446 - 449, to use as a guide to writing informative presentation outlines. Do not include information that will overload, confuse, or distract them. Deliver your presentation so that it establishes your credibility, maintains attention, and reinforces your information. Give yourself enough time to practice, polish, and revise your presentation. Basic Outline for Informative Presentations Introduction Capture the attention of your audience, state your qualifications, preview the purpose of the presentation and tell them the main points. Body I. Main Point A B. Supporting information: explanations, examples, statistics, quotes, visuals, PowerPoint slides, photos, charts, etc, C II. Main point A. B. Supporting materials III. Main point A. B. Supporting materials Conclusion Summarize purpose and main points, and give closing thoughts.
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Explanation & Answer

hey there, i have posted the answers, kindly confirm and contact me if you have any questions, thank you.

Importance of Service

• Did you know that service dogs take around 18 to 24 months to be trained

• The aim of this presentation is to provide information regarding:
• Examples of service animals according to ADA.
• Importance of service dogs.
• Why people get upset when service dogs are faked.

Examples of service animals
• According to the Americ...

Very useful material for studying!


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