Summary and Reflection Paper

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professional comunications

Stetson University


Read the following chapters from the textbooks and write the summary and reflection paper:

APA format, 500-750 words, 2-3 pages

1) Communicating at Work, 11th Ed. (2013) by Adler and McGraw-Hill (textbook2)

Ch. 10 Verbal and Visual Support in Presentations

2) HBR Guide to Better Business Writing, by Garner (textbook2)

Ch. 7 Use graphics to illustrate and clarify

Ch. 8 Be relentlessly clear

Ch. 9 Learn to summarize—accurately

Ch. 19 Business Letters

Ch. 20 Memos and Reports

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REFLECTION PAPER OVERVIEW  Your reflection papers should cover all assigned readings up to the point of the assigned paper. You should critically reflect on the readings, the in-class activities and the projects that you are working on for the class. You may also use outside knowledge and sources.  Your reflection should show that you have a deep understanding of the content and that you have spent time thinking about how the readings and in-class assignments can further the pursuit of your desired major and career.  I cannot stress enough that your paper should show evidence of deep thought about the topics. If you do not have enough content for 500-750 words you should incorporate outside research.  Be sure to refer to the list of ACTION VERBS provided, which are organized under some common TRANSFERABLE SKILL categories. (Transferable skills are “portable” skills that you develop along the way and take with you into other life/work experiences). Identifying your transferable skills can help you market yourself better to employers, and using specific action verbs can help you describe what your skills, abilities and accomplishments are in your résumé. Using these in your paper will help you learn to articulate what you are learning in college to employers and make you much more marketable in your field.  Your paper should be clearly organized with introduction, body, and conclusion.  Your ideas should be clearly connected and make sense.  Basic writing expectations: mechanics, spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.  Use of transitions to connect sentences and idea.  Correct choice of verb tenses, words, avoidance of wordy phrases, correct use of pronouns.  Follows APA professional writing style of using 12 point Times New Roman font, 1inch margins all around, correct APA headings with page numbers, double spaced, and title page.  Correct format of title page including running head, page numbers, correct page justification.  The title page should contain the title of the paper, the author's name, and the institutional affiliation. Include the page header (described above) flush left with the page number flush right at the top of the page.  If using outside sources you should be sure to use citations within paper according to APA.  Due to recent issues with Blackboard, please save your paper as a PDF before submitting online if you are submitting from anything other than a Windows based operating system. GRADING RUBRIC for REFLECTION PAPER CRITERIA FAILS TO MEET EXPECTATIONS NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 0 5 MEETS EXPECTATIONS EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS 8 10 ORGANIZATION Clearly organized introduction, body, conclusion Fails to meet this criteria by obvious disregard for the expectations stated in the criteria; Disorganized and the reader can not follow the paper at any length Disorganized, leaves reader wondering what is being said; abrupt ending Paper has intro, body, and conclusion but may take a re-reading to understand Easy to read, topic introduced, organization clearly evident with proper introduction, body, conclusion Does this paper address the prompt or the topic? The topic of the paper is not addressed at all; Fails to stick to the topic therefore fails to meet this criteria Student does not clearly identify his/her reflections about the topic; may veer from topic The entire paper’s content relates to the prompt or topic; the student explains his/her reflections about the topic but may take a rereading to understand The student’s reflection about the topic is explained in clear language; immediately interesting and supported with detail Paragraph Organization and Writing Style: Ideas are clearly connected and make sense Fails to meet this criteria by obvious disregard for the expectations stated in the criteria Paragraphs are disorganized; ideas are included which do not relate to the main idea; ideas are not connected and have little or no supporting details; one sentence paragraphs Each paragraph has a central idea that is supported with details; ideas are connected and important points make sense Each paragraph has a central idea; ideas are connected and paragraphs are developed with details; paper is easy to read and “flows” naturally in an organized pattern Does this paper show evidence of deep thought about the topic? Fails to meet this criteria by obvious disregard for the expectations stated in the criteria Paper is shallow and does not present detailed evaluation of reflection about the topic; little use of nursing literature to support thought The paper shows that the student has thought about the topic although the written presentation may appear weak or lack clarity; use of nursing literature to support thought Paper provides evidence (through the use of description, details, and use of nursing literature) that the student has examined his/her own belief systems and related this to their current views about the topic; use of nursing literature to support thought RBT 01/08/16 updated YOUR SCORE GRADING RUBRIC for REFLECTION PAPER GRAMMAR Basic writing expectations: mechanics, spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors More than 8 grammatical , punctuation, or BWE errors 4-7 grammatical , punctuation , or BWE errors Between 1-4 grammatical, punctuation, or BWE errors, but they are minor and do not detract from the paper Paper expresses the ideas of the author; sentences relate to one another; may take a re-reading to understand Occasional wrong word choice; somewhat wordy but not enough to detract from the summary; May occasionally use the wrong tense. No errors whatsoever! Use of transitions to connect sentences and ideas Fails to meet this criteria by obvious disregard for the expectations stated in the criteria Choppy; sentences do not connect or transition well; ideas do not connect Correct choice of verb tenses, words, avoidance of wordy phrases, correct use of pronouns Fails to meet this criteria by obvious disregard for the expectations stated in the criteria Improper use of language or slang; wrong word choice; appears “padded” Follows APA professional writing style of using 12 point Times New Roman font, 1inch margins all around, correct APA headings Correct format of title page including running head, page numbers, correct page justification Fails to meet this criteria by obvious disregard for the expectations stated in the criteria; 3 or more errors Meets this criteria with 2 errors Meets this criteria with 1 error Exceeds this by completely meeting all of these requirements with NO exception! Fails to meet this criteria by obvious disregard for the expectations stated in the criteria; 3 or more errors Meets this criteria with 2 errors Meets this criteria with 1 error Perfect title page, running head, page numbers, and page justification! Correct use of citations within paper according to APA; Correct APA reference page Fails to meet this criteria by obvious disregard for the expectations stated in the criteria; 3 or more errors Meets this criteria with 2 errors Meets this criteria with 1 error Perfect use of citations within paper per APA format; Correct reference page! Paper is easy to read and makes sense the first time it is read. It is interesting and well written; sentences connect and flow. No wrong word choice or slang; uses correct verb tense and pronouns. Well written and use of words convey meaning FORMATTING RBT 01/08/16 updated
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Summary and Reflection Paper outline
Ch. 7 The Use graphics to illustrate and clarify
Ch. 8 Be relentlessly clear
Ch. 9 Learn to summarize—accurately
Ch. 19 Business Letters
Ch. 20 Memos and Reports


Summary and Reflection Paper
Wily Sami
Professional communicating SOBA 205
Meg Young




Summary and Reflection Paper
Chapter 7
The use of graphics to illustrate and clarify some work is usually an appropriate path to
follow. This is especially helpful when a person is writing about complex ideas. A good example
is the use of elegant charts to convey critical as well as relevant information at a glance. The
graphics should be an illustration of something discussed in the text and they should be placed
near the text they illustrate. The use of such graphs specifically focuses on serving the people
who intend to the skim written material (Ronald, 2013).
Chapter 8
Clarity is a crucial aspect of writing. It should be judged in relation to the readers’ point
of view. Before making a final copy, it is advisable to show the draft to fellow colleagues who
have never read the text before. After showing them the text, one should ask them if they were
able to capture the key points or the key message. If they are unable to do that accurately, this is
a sign that there is no clarity in the work. The best way to ensure clarity is by using simple
language and being specific enough.
Chapter 9
The characteristics of a good summary are that it should be specific and focused. The
summary should occur at the beginning of the text so as to enable the readers to have an easy
time finding it. The summary should simply relay the information of what is about to follow in
the text without holding back on the important information. The main idea of a summary is to
provide a brief overview of the information without assuming any familiarity of the reader.
Specifics are helpful in earning the summary proper credibility.



Chapter 10
Every word on the document should be exclusively utilized. This means that the writer
should make every word count. For example, when the writer wants to say “before”, they should
never write “prior to”. In spite of “prior to” being a linguistic choice offered by the dictionary, it
is not a good choice to use. The main idea is to reduce cases of wordiness which can come along
on many different levels including unneces...

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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