Interview report

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Interview/Interview Report: Find an expert on campus (you may go to other campuses, too, if you wish) and interview him or

her to learn more about your topic. Take careful notes, and when you are done, type a 3-4 page report on your findings. (Your

report should be in essay-format; as always, grammar, spelling, punctuation and neatness count!).

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C How wo The team is like the lare Bears, Not discolinarian we are a support team that encourages success. -The whole concept of success is imporrenti students have creumstances out of control. The team is in position to help w/ maneuvering when students are a nowning, Prevention for dropping out or help the student when dropping out is important - Anyone can file a report, and it doesn't have to be on campus. It be filled about anything Ican - Training Everyone on the NOVA Care has a counseling degree. Atleast 18 credits Jo of counseling in whatever degree the major in specialized how the cases are assigned based on team members degree, Some students are referred off campus and team checks in until the student 15 stable. More care than see something & say soment 35? - First First step is talk to whoever reported the Istuation. We like for student to be made aware by o reporter). Second step contact stuckent. Take next step, - Sexual harrasment is not NOVA CARE Pin der. Hotline for students care reports go different direction sime to the sexual assaut office
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anyway, here you go buddy, please feel free to let me know of anything that i can help out with

Running head: NOVACARE





My interview was with the counseling expert and this was my first time ever to conduct
such a professional interview in person. Through this new experience, I was able to learn a
couple of things in regards to the field of counseling specifically the support given by the
counseling team to the students. I came to realize that even in the field of counseling there are
challenges faced. I was able to recognize the strengths and flaws I possess as an interviewer and
communicator. My strengths as an interviewer were clearly expressed via the creation of a
detailed inte...

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