GU299 General Education Capstone
Week 2 Assignment “Researching Community Partnerships”
Nicole Jensen
Grantham University
Service learning is one of the experimental education processes where learning takes
place through a series of defined action and reflection (Brengle, R. G, 1999). In this case,
students work as a team through engaging whatever they learn, to problems affecting the
community and at the same time shimmering upon their experience during the education process
for the sake of their community and for their own sake. Community partnerships, on the other
hand, refer to a formal set up which engages a school with individuals, associations, private and
public sector organizations for the purpose of providing a particular program, service or resource
that is aimed at enabling the students to achieve in a greater way (Ward, K, 1996).
When students and the communities’ partner in service learning opportunities, they
plough back some noticeable benefits. Discipline is enhanced among students as particular rules
drive them. The community also develops some discipline skills in their interaction with the
students and other inhabitants. It is through service activities where genuine community needs
are met and problems affecting the community addressed. Students may find themselves idle and
if not put into action may end up doing things that are not considered to be morally upright (Erin
Marie Burke Brown, 2015). With the service learning, students are provided with meaningful
tasks and are allowed to do both formative and summative assessment.
However, some challenges are set to affect the students during their service learning in
the community. Such problems may range from a hostile society, dissatisfaction with the work,
and time constraints. Due to a lot of school work, students may fail to have time to participate in
service learning. The world organization of the scouts’ movement is capable of being a thriving
community partner. Its potential can be attributed to the various success history that it has set in
the past. The organization is well established and dedicated to work in conjunction with the
community for the betterment of its stakeholders.
Community Partnerships
The world scouts’ organization has partnered with various companies, businesses, and
organizations. Some of its partners include United Nations organization, International boys’
scouts, Troop 1, the boys’ scouts of the United Nations, and many Universities globally. The
partnerships are advantageous in ensuring that the roles of the organization are spread and
accomplished diversely, the problems affecting a group of people or the entire community are
solved with much more ease, and that most people get knowledge concerning the organization,
its partners and understand their roles (Epstein, J. L, 1995). The organization no longer maintains
partnerships with the UN environment though efforts are being put to renew the partnerships.
The companies were ended due to disagreements that aroused and the changes in 2015 as a result
of changes in office control.
The organization should partner with organizations such as the W.H.O to ensure that
food security is met even in the hunger driven areas.
The organization uses volunteers to accomplish most of its tasks. For example, the
members of the scouting movement are used in ensuring that the environment is clean and that
youths who have engaged themselves in immoral behavior are reached, rehabilitated and
educated on the advantage of remaining morally upright. The organization’s partners may also
volunteer in providing aid and resources where required.
When the volunteers give their time to the organization, they benefit themselves and the
community too. The volunteers can maximize their time on more constructive issues rather than
just staying idle. The community, in turn, benefits from its problems being addressed and
consequently solved (Austin, A. W, 2000). Volunteering involves freely offering to do
something while service learning involves education involving action and reflection. The
students and community get some benefits from service learning. The community and the
students benefit through an increase in the level of class work understanding, exploration of
values and beliefs, development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Partnering with other organizations is very effective for the running of an organization.
The benefits automatically exceed the challenges especially in relation to service learning. The
partners use volunteers to build capacity for positive change, to strengthen and expand services
and programs, and finally to build connections with other partnership agencies (Vizenor, N,
2007). In volunteering, a person, organization or a company offers to work for the organization
without being paid while in service learning a student experiences a mutual benefactor. Service
learning, therefore, works to benefit the students and the community example in problemsolving. The benefits aid in the continuity of the community in a rather good manner.
Astin, A. W., Vogelgesang, L. J., Ikeda, E. K., & Yee, J. A. (2000). How service learning affects
Bringle, R. G., & Hatcher, J. A. (1999). Reflection in service learning: Making meaning or
experience. Educational horizons, 17
Epstein, J. L. (1995). School/family/community partnerships. Phi delta kappan, 76(9), 701.
Furco, A. (1996). Service-learning: A balanced approach to experiential education.
Vizenor, N., Souza, T., & Ertmer, J. (2017). Benefits Of Participating In Servicelearning,
Business-Related Classes: Assessing The Impact On The Community Partners. The
Journal Of Research In Business Education, 58(1), 1-14.
Ward, K. (1996). Service-Learning and Student Volunteerism: Reflections on Institutional
GU299 General Education Capstone
Week 1 Assignment “Serving Learning Organization”
Nicole Jensen
Grantham University
A number of American youth participate in scouting programs designed to enhance their
positive development. The likelihood of young people to join the scouting organization has
decreased along the years (Johnson & Clifton, 2010). However, when youths engage in
community initiatives as boy scouts, they are likely to impact their own adult lives through
increased social capital and better community engagement (Polson et al., 2013). This means the
most committed members of scouting programs exhibit better lives as adults. On the other hand,
service learning helps students to better serve their communities in their capacity as boy scouts.
In this case, the scouts are able to understand and conceptualize community needs and create
interventions that are guided by an increased sense of civic responsibility (WOSM, nd). This
enables them to influence other members of the community to take positive action
Community Organization
Baden-Powell is credited with the founding and growth of the World Organization of the
Scout Movement (WOSM). In 1907, he brought together twenty boys from different
communities of origin in an experimental camp held at Brownsea Island, England. One year
later, an office for Boy scouts was opened in London. The world scout’s bureau was later
founded in 1920 during the first world scout conference (WOSM, n.d.).
The organization strives to create a better world by introducing scout programs in
communities and encouraging/empowering young people to join them. It focuses on
involvement, recognition and intergenerational exchange to engage the youth and to help them
achieve their full potential (WOSM, n.d.). Its mission is “to contribute to the education of young
people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world
where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society " (WOSM,
n.d.). this means that the organization provides educative programs that improve the lives of the
youthful population as well as their communities.
On the other hand, the organization has a vision of promoting scouting to make it the best
educational youth movement across the globe and register more than 100 million youths by
2023. It meets the needs of communities by providing service learning for the youth/students
who engage with members of the community. The students provide innovative insights and
create interventions that when implemented enhance the wellbeing of their communities. In
doing so, WOSM promotes unity within communities and creates a better understanding of
scouting principles to facilitate its growth.
The American youths of today are less likely to participate in community programs when
compared to those in the past. Indeed, fewer young adults (20-30 years old) than older men
report having been in the Boy Scouts (Johnson & Clifton, 2010). The world youth organization
provides numerous opportunities for the youth to participate in scouting programs to ensure that
specific community needs are met in an organized way. Both students and the community benefit
from service learning through the organization. According to Vizenor, Souza and Ertmer (2017),
student-community partnerships create significant positive impact to the members of the
community. In this case, most Communities implement what student create or suggest. In some
communities, students provide new insights and new strategies that were not previously
considered by the members. The students’ participation enhances improved adult lives through
higher social capital and better community engagement
Johnson, R., & Clifton, J.(2010). Younger Generations Less Likely to Join Boy Scouts. Retrieved
from http://www.gallup.com/poll/145187/Younger-Generations-Less-Likely-Join-BoyScouts.aspx
Polson, E., Kim, Y., Jang, S., Johnson, B., & Smith, B. (2013). Being Prepared and Staying
Connected: Scouting's Influence on Social Capital and Community Involvement. Social
Science Quarterly, 94(3), 758-776.
Vizenor, N., Souza, T., & Ertmer, J. (2017). Benefits Of Participating In Servicelearning,
Business-Related Classes: Assessing The Impact On The Community Partners. The
Journal Of Research In Business Education, 58(1), 1-14.
WOSM. Historical Highlights. Retrieved from https://www.scout.org/historical-highlights
WOSM. Mission, Vision and Strategy. Retrieved from https://www.scout.org/vision
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