This is actually for a research class. It is a Research Methodology and Analysis Report.

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Embry Riddle Aeronautical


The question I am researching is: Do gun laws affect a state's violent crime rate? I am comparing Alaska and Nevada.


Using the research question and hypotheses you developed in your Module 5 Literature Review assignment, write a report outlining the type data you would collect, how you would collect it, and how you would analyze it.

The primary purpose of this Research Methodology Assignment is to give you experience in determining appropriate research methods to be used with the research question and hypotheses you have posed and with the type of data you would need to collect to answer your question. Your report must contain the sections indicated in the assignment instructions, and APA formatting standards must be followed throughout.

Assignment Instructions

Your report must contain the following sections. (Use these sections as headings in your paper.)

  • Study Design – This is an overview section that includes information from your previous assignments. You should repeat the research question and hypotheses from your literature review assignment here, then briefly tell what type of study you would do, what type of data you would collect, and summarize how you would collect and analyze the data. Most of these points are covered in more detail in later sections.
  • Population and Sample – This is a short section describing the population for your report, your sample, and how your sample will be selected.
  • Variables and Measures – Describe the variables in your study. Indicate whether they are independent, dependent, moderating, or intervening. Describe the relationship between the variables. Tell how they will be measured.
  • Data Collection Methods – Tell what kind of data you need to collect and how, where, and when you will collect the data. If you plan to use a survey or questionnaire, include a copy of that instrument in an appendix to your report. Also, include a copy of your cover letter for your survey. If you plan to interview, tell if it would be structured or unstructured and why. If it is a structured interview, include the questions you would ask in an appendix to the report.
  • Data Analysis Methods – Describe the techniques you will use to analyze the data. Indicate why you selected those methods and why they are appropriate. You must be specific and detailed in identifying and justifying the processes and statistical tests you will use in the analysis of your data.
  • References - Your report must contain a reference section that includes all sources in your paper. References must be in APA format.
    Research Methodology & Analysis Report Rubric
    Research Methodology & Analysis Report Rubric
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Study Design
    10.0 pts
    Problem and hypothesis are correctly stated. Good concise statements of the type of data to be collected, and summary of how it would be collected and analyzed.
    6.0 pts
    Problem and hypothesis are correctly stated. Statements of the type of data to be collected, and summary of how it would be collected and analyzed misses some key points.
    4.0 pts
    Problem and hypothesis are stated but with errors. There are substantial errors in the statements of the type of data to be collected, and summary of how it would be collected and analyzed.
    0.0 pts
    Problem and hypothesis are not stated. The statements of the type of data to be collected, and summary of how it would be collected and analyzed are missing or totally erroneous.
    10.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Population and Sample
    10.0 pts
    Accurately describes the population and the sample and how the sample will be selected.
    6.0 pts
    Population and sample and how the sample will be selected are described with a few minor errors.
    4.0 pts
    There are major errors in the description of the population and sample and/or how the sample will be selected.
    0.0 pts
    Little or no attempt is made to describe the population and sample or the descriptions are totally inaccurate.
    10.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Variables and Measures
    20.0 pts
    All variables are accurately described and classification as to whether they are independent, dependent, moderating, or intervening variables are accurate. Relationships among variables are described and accurate. Accurate descriptions of how variables will be measured are given.
    12.0 pts
    Variable descriptions and relationships are mostly accurate with minor errors. Descriptions of how variables will be measured are mostly accurate with minor errors.
    8.0 pts
    There are major errors in the descriptions of variables and their relationships as well as in the descriptions of how they will be measured.
    0.0 pts
    Little or no attempt is made to describe the variables, their relationships, or how they will be measured, or descriptions are completely inaccurate.
    20.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Data Collection Methods
    20.0 pts
    Accurate description of the kind of data needed to complete the study and how the data will be collected are given. In the case of surveys and questionnaires, a copy is included in an appendix and surveys or questionnaires are well formulated. For structured interviews, proposed interview questions are included and well formulated.
    12.0 pts
    Description of the kind of data needed to complete the study and how the data will be collected are mostly accurate with some minor errors. In the case of surveys and questionnaires, a copy is included in an appendix and surveys or questionnaires contain only minor errors. For structured interviews, proposed interview questions are included and contain only minor errors.
    8.0 pts
    There are substantial errors in the description of the kind of data needed to complete the study and how the data will be collected. In the case of surveys and questionnaires, a copy is included in an appendix but includes numerous errors. For structured interviews, proposed interview questions are included but contain numerous errors.
    0.0 pts
    No attempt is made to describe the kind of data needed to complete the study and how the data will be collected. Copies of surveys, questionnaires, or structured interview questions are not included.
    20.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Data Analysis Methods
    20.0 pts
    Proposed techniques for analyzing the data are appropriate and fully and accurately described along with an explanation of why the techniques were chosen and why they are appropriate for the study.
    12.0 pts
    Most techniques described are appropriate with some minor errors. Explanation of why the techniques are appropriate and why they were chosen misses some key elements.
    8.0 pts
    Many techniques described are inappropriate. Explanation of why the techniques are appropriate and why they were chosen is sketchy and omits many key elements.
    0.0 pts
    Analysis techniques are either inappropriate or not given. No explanation of why the techniques were chosen or why they are appropriate is given.
    20.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References and Formatting
    10.0 pts
    Consistently applied APA guidelines in regards to all aspects of the paper including citations, references, headings, page numbers, and running headers.
    6.0 pts
    Manuscript conformed to most APA guidelines
    4.0 pts
    Weak, incomplete, ambiguous, or inconsistent application of APA formatting.
    0.0 pts
    Failure to apply APA rules for manuscript presentation.
    10.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing and Timeliness
    10.0 pts
    Consistently applied standards of English composition. There were no grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors and transitional phrases were used to guide the reader throughout the text. Assignment submitted on time.
    6.0 pts
    Paper conformed to most standards of English composition. There was an occasional grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation error. Timeliness of delivery was acceptable.
    4.0 pts
    Weak, incomplete, ambiguous, or inconsistent application of rules of English composition. There were frequent grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Delivery was delinquent.
    0.0 pts
    Failure to apply standard rules for English composition. There were many grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors that distracted the reader from the content of the writing. Delivery was delinquent
    10.0 pts
    Total Points: 100.0

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