BSG Game report

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Business Finance


1.You are to prepare a Simulation Report for Year 13, similar to the one provided in the module. Please understand that the content of the report will be based on your mission, generic strategy, strategy for international operations, and the decisions that you made to support your mission and strategies. Submit the report as a Word document.

2.Complete the decisions in the Business Strategy Game for Year 13.

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CEO – James Kirk The mission of Knockout Shoes is to be recognized as a socially responsible company providing high quality shoes for the North American and Latin American markets. Knockout Shoes is pursuing a focused differentiation international strategy while addressing socially responsible business practices.The decisions by operations, financing, and marketing support this strategy because we have limited all production to North America and Latin American.We have limited sales to Wholesale and Internet sales in North America and Latin America.We have purchased the contracts of Ophrah Beyonse, Tiger Green, and Jose Montana.We have engaged in green manufacturing practices.We have limited the number of models sold.We use high-quality materials in the manufacturing process.We have provided sufficient capital to sustain operations.We have provided a return to stockholders and to society. VPO – Darth Vader We produce all of our shoes in North America and Latin America because this allows for better control over the manufacturing process and reduces the cost to ship shoes to the two target markets.We limited our models to 50 to maintain better control over the manufacturing process and to limit the costs for styling.We have set our superior material usage rate at 80% to ensure a high quality shoe.We use green materials.We have set the enhanced styling features to $20,000 per model to support the production of a shoe that is perceived to be high quality.We have invested in energy efficiency.We use recycled boxing materials.Our entire workforce has received ethics training, and we have a diverse workforce.We spend $2,000 per worker on Best Practices Training. VPM – Hans Solo We have set our wholesale price at $60 and our internet price at $85 because the shoes are high quality shoes.We sell only in North America and Latin America.We do not allow internet sales outside of North America and Latin America.We have contracted with Ophrah Beyonse, Tiger Green, and Jose Montana because these three have the best celebrity appeal scores for our two markets. We are not offering contracts to any other celebrities. We do not provide for private label production because it does not support our strategy of focused differentiation.We have set our advertising budget at $10,000,000.We offer a $3 rebate as part of our advertising strategy.We are able to provide delivery within 1 week because most of our shoes are manufactured in the country in which they are sold.We have few shipments between North America and Latin America. VPF – Mr. Spock We have issued 100,000 shares of stock and secured a 10-year bank loan of $8,000,000 to finance operations.We declared a dividend of $.15 to provide a return to stockholders.We have plans to ensure that ROE is at least 15% per year.We have plans to ensure that our cost of pairs sold is no more than 53%.We have plans to ensure that our default risk is no more than Medium.We have committed 3% of pretax profits for charitable contributions. tart=false
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Explanation & Answer


The simulation report entails the following:
The name of the company

Best shoes International Inc. was retained due to it high reputation

The mission

The mission of Best Shoes International Inc. is to be the leading shoes company
in the world

Quality shoes to be provided

Fair pricing to be utilized to achieve the mission

Generic strategy

Differentiation international strategy

Price discrimination

Strategy for international operation

International media channels

International celebrities

Price d...

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