chem 1 lab report

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attached are the worksheets for this chem 1 lab . I need you to read the whole thing and based on that write me a nice conclusion for it . thanks attached!!!!

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067 Periodic Properties of the Elements Laboratory 4 Laboratory Name Boder Alshammari 02605770 ID No. 4. Instructor Course/Section Partner's Name (if applicable) Worksheet Date (of Lab Meeting) PART I. CHEMICAL REACTIONS OF METALS A. Alkali Metals (Group IA) Alkali metals are among the most reactive elements in nature and are not found in elemental form in nature. When an alkali metal comes in contact with water it forms a metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas, which may ignite. The reaction is: 2 Li + 2 H2O → 2 LiOH + H, 1. Watch the video that shows the reaction of lithium metal with water at: 2. Record your observations about the reaction in the video. VIIIA не 703 fitst th lithium was cut into a half tabela when it was put in water inside the beaker it started floating around the top of the water anith emittating some Hydrog eu gas 3. Next we will go one down the periodic table in Group IA and see how sodium reacts in water. You can watch that video at: 4. Record your observations. Sadium teacted with water by having some fire while it was floating abound the top of water with some gas produced, and No Ha ) sinking down (also I can notice some bubblesto MacBook Pro F5 F6 F7 DII F8 DD F9 F10 F11 % С F12 ^ MT TITITITITITITII 07 6 T Chemistry 141 Experimental Chemistry G 5. Let's go one more down the periodic table and watch potassium in water, recording your observations below: When the potassium touched the ✓ disappeared 6. What are the similarities among the reactions? Differences? Did you see any trends in reactivity? Woter it burned immediately and with producing fire. Then, it astfel fast leaving some as in the water, and releasing some gas into the air. Some to similatities were that all the metal produced gas when interacting with watet. Defechares ate that with that did the reaction with lithium did not involve titel but sodium and potassian is felettime of ignitions Z Nat 2 H2o H 272 NaOH. 2k + 2 H202ko H+H2 A They are ink the same olumn in the Periodic table gaud They all have 1 valant electrone O 7. Based on the reaction given for lithium metal with water, write out the reactions of sodium and potassium with water. Explain your reasoning. 8. What would be your predictions about the reaction of rubidium (Rb) and cesium (Cs) with water? of more They will envolve more colmennt fite and releasedus will be releasedd gast 24 because they have the tette hobe bizser atanit radius 4 K. Periodic Properties of the Elements Laboratory 4 9. Watch the following video and record your observations: # The Rb and Cs had an explosion when they reacted with Very Violent reassion " of the Elemen Nej 10. Were your predictions about the Rb and Cs metals correct? it 1 ineri ru VIA MOF Ne VILA you go down a group in the periodic table? Explain your reasoning. 4 OU 20.18 They reacted more the cand 11. What general statements can you make about the reactivity of the alkali metals as fast cuery fast As we a down 2 roup in the Periodic table, the reactions become more and more dangerous tette Para envolving fire and has to have explosions, and they get more B. Alkaline Earth Metals (Group IIA) reactive 1. Clean a piece of magnesium ribbon with sandpaper or steel wool. Add about 2 mL of deionized water into a small test tube. 2. Place your magnesium into the water and record your observations. bubbles There are ting in the middleg and sense of them are flating . 25 1.008 1 | 11 39.10 40.08 119 120 22.99 24.31 K Ca Sr Na Mg 6.9419.012 12 Li Be 9 Bb Sr Cs B В Fr 223 132.913 TITTIITTI Chemistry 141 Experimental Chemistry 3. Watch the video of calcium in water and record your observations: 4. What similarities did you notice between calcium and magnesium? Differences? At the first, it sank deally into the wated with having some bubbles floating , and those babbles e turned to be aberase then the Calcium floated They both have Preduced Some te bubbles. However Calcium had in de bubbles and then it floated had has too. Also, it sank first He 5. Clean another piece of magnesium ribbon. Pour about 2 mL of 6 M HCl into a small test tube. 6. Place the magnesium ribbon into the acid and record your observations. lots of bubbles 7. Watch the video of calcium in acid and record your observations: then the magnesium reacts With producing and some Hydrogen gas Significantly. Then it suddenly Stoped reacting cium rected with acid in Very intersting way than ever. It Preduced mote bubbles that ever and it took a long time and Vektore reacting content cruition. 26 N 9 g wls Periodic Properties of the Elements Laboratory 4 8. What similarities did you observe between the two metals' reactions in acid? Differences? 9. What general statement can you make about the reactivity similarities and differ- ences between magnesium and calcium? Try too. They both produced bubbles, but the calcium had mere babbles then magnesiumst took a long time reacting. Also, the mote Valolent They are very similar, but big facter that shapes the the reactions a little bit differantly, the violence is а a PART II. HALOGENS (GROUP VIIA) 1. Put about 2 mL each of 0.1 M NaCl, NaBr, and NaI into their own test tubes. 2. Into each test tube, add 2–3 drops of 0.1 M NaNO3. Record your observations. Nacl - Nothing happend NaBr-Nothing happened NaI- Nothing happened. 3. Put 2 mL each of 0.1 M NaCl, NaBr, and NaI into an additional three test tubes. 4. Into each test tube place 2–3 drops of 0.1 M AgNO . Record your observations. Ipeaid floating solid -Nach a turned! Whites than with having some solide Particles at the bottom and . Na brc The solution trarns yellous -NaI c The solution tharus teenish 27 yellow).
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