develop a powerpoint presentation on the processes on an investigation

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Business Finance




Watch the Dealing with Diversity and the Sick Doctors Admit to Spreading Infections at Work videos before working on this assignment.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation that outlines your processes throughout the investigation and your findings. Your slides should include an interview with the relevant individuals, departments, and agencies that are involved in this scenario; evaluation of the information you gathered throughout the course of your investigation; determination of the best course of action.

Please make sure you take into consideration the language barrier since one of Sara’s co-workers in this scenario only speaks Spanish. Also, have two or three slides that depict the financial implications of Sara missing work as well from the financial point of view of the agency. Health care coverage, or lack thereof, is to be considered here.

Below is an outline of key slides components that I will be looking for in your presentation.

  1. Title
  2. Introduction: (background and context of the problem)
  3. Importance/relevance and extent of the problem
  4. Causes
  5. Stakeholder issues
  6. Legal, ethical, and financial implications—Sarah’s perspectives.
  7. Legal, ethical, and financial implications—agency’s perspectives.
  8. Possible solutions and current attempts
  9. Specific plan (policies or education program) and its likelihood of success
  10. Conclusions
  11. References

Length: 20 slides, excluding title page and references.

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Ampel, N. M. (2015). T-SPOT.TB assay screening for latent TB infection among healthcare workers?NEJM Journal Watch.Infectious Diseases, doi: Baussano, I., Nunn, P., Williams, B., Pivetta, E., Bugiani, M., & Scano, F. (2011). Tuberculosis among health care workers. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 17(3), 488– 494. de Cuevas, R. M. A., Lawson, L., Al-Sonboli, N., Al-Aghbari, N., Arbide, I., Sherchand, J. B., ... & Obasanya, J. (2016). Patients direct costs to undergo TB diagnosis. Infectious diseases of poverty, 5(1), 1. Meuter, R. F., Gallois, C., Segalowitz, N. S., Ryder, A. G., & Hocking, J. (2015). Overcoming language barriers in healthcare: A protocol for investigating safe and effective communication when patients or clinicians use a second language. BMC health services research, 15(1), 1. Rachel M Anderson, d. C., Lawson, L., Al-Sonboli, N., AlAghbari, N., Arbide, I., Sherchand, J. B., . . . S, B. S. (2016). Patients direct costs to undergo TB diagnosis. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5doi: Vandersteegen, T., Marneffe, W., & Vandijck, D. (2015). Defensive medicine: Implications for clinical practice, patients and healthcare policy. Acta Clinica Belgica, 70(6), 396-397. doi:
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