What is employee training?

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Business Finance

BUS375 Employee Training

ashford university


Focus of the Final Paper

In the course, you have examined several areas of employee training. For this paper, you will be applying this knowledge by examining the creation of a cultural diversity training course.

Imagine that you are in training and development for a global organization. You have been tasked with the creation of a cultural diversity training course that all employees will be required to take. Before designing the course, you must consider the ethical and cultural issues of the task.

In an eight- to ten-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), you must address the following:

  1. Examine any legal implications in creating a training course that discusses culture. Identify what laws and regulations should be considered.
  2. Explain how the demographic diversity of your employees affects discussions of cultural diversity.
  3. Examine which ethical implications should be considered.
  4. Examine if training can be standardized for all locations in a global organization. Analyze what media is best suited for training in a global setting.
  5. Provide recommendations for implementing the training course.

Paper requirements

  1. Must be eight to ten pages in length (excluding the title page, references page, exhibits, etc.) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a cover page:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must include an introductory paragraph with a clearly stated thesis or topic.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  7. Must use at least five scholarly sources, in addition to the text.
  8. Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved style guide.

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Explanation & Answer




Creating a Cultural Diversity Training Course
Student’s Name
Institutional affiliation
Course Code and Number
Professor’s name



Creating a Cultural Diversity Training Course
Designing a course is a critical process that require a very careful planning and revision. When
creating a course, it is very important to consider the main aim of the course, target student and
the significance of teaching the course to those students. In designing a cultural diversity training
course, some of the important aspects to be considered will be the different cultures that the society
have today and also the implication and the effect the course will have in ensuring that the
individuals who have completed the course apply the knowledge in the most ethical manner. Ways
how the people across all culture will equally benefit from the course should also be considered.
The aim of this paper is to explain the legal implication of the course, how demographic diversity
of employee affect discussion of culture, ethical implication to be considered, standardization
capability and why I recommend taking the course.
Legal implications in creating a course are the consequences or the results of the course according
to the law in the way the students will be affected and the outcome that will be experience when
the knowledge from the course is applied. Therefore, legal implications in creating a course that
discusses culture are the consequences of the course on culture as dictated by law. For example,
legal implication of a cultural diversity means that the course should abide by laws and regulations
as follows:

The course should not have ethnic, racial or cultural affiliation. For course’s acceptability,
it must not contain content targeting, despising or intimidating an individual or group of

The methods used to teach the course should not be oppressive to the learners in that no
non-legal means should be used to inculcate the knowledge to the learners.



Like any other course, cultural diversity training course should ensure confidentiality of
learner’s personal information. Learners of this course come from different backgrounds
and personal settings. Since the course is about cultural diversity, learners may be put in a
situation where they are expected to give personal information. However, it is the duty of
course instructors to come up with the means by which information will be shared without
offending whoever gave the information.

The course should also provide a clear relationship between the course instructors and the
learners. It should also design rules that govern the conduct of both instructors and learners.
In this way, the course is expected to be carried out in a manner that is friendly to both the

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