APA Paper on The Healthy Cities – Healthy Communities Movement Case Study Review

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Colorado State University: Global Campus


Attached is the feedback from the last paper and the Case Study in the book.

Option # 2: The Healthy Cities – Healthy Communities Movement Case Study Review

In this assignment, you will review The Healthy Cities – Healthy Communities Movement case study in Chapter 4 pg. 96 of your textbook. This is the sixth case study in the section “Involving Communities in Their Health.”

In approximately two pages, your paper should address the following:

  1. What elements of broad strategic thinking do you see demonstrated?
  2. What aspects of social development are addressed?
  3. What evidence of healthy public policy do you see?
  4. Do you see evidence of systems development for health or social policy and related programming?
  5. What information stood out most to you from this case study that you might be able to apply in your local community?


  • Write a 2- to 3-page paper of about 1500 words, not including the title and reference pages, which are required.
  • The paper must be formatted correctly using APA style. Remember, all research material used in your paper must be paraphrased and include an in-text citation.
  • Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
  • This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our Discussion Forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
  • Be sure you utilize your text appropriately as a reference and cite at least one other credible external reference such as a website or journal article to support your proposed resolution of the case.
  • Your external sources can be trade publications, government information, newspaper articles, or scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources.

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Explanation & Answer

check_circle henryprofessor marked this question as complete.

Community Health
I. Introduction
II. Community health
III. Elements of broad strategic thinking
A. Envisioning of the future success of the community
B. Emphasis on sustainability
C. Promotion of prevention initiatives
IV. Aspects of social development
A. Enhancement of quality of live
B. Provision of resources and facilities for recreation
C. The creation of ease of access to recreational facilities
D. Designing dwellings amendable to good living
V. Health promotion and health policies
A. Gun control policies
B. Urban planning principles
VI. Systems development for health policy
A. Strong Rural Communities Initiative in Wisconsin
VII. The most stand out initiative
A. Initiative enhancing quality of life by making communities more conducive to
healthy living
VIII. Conclusion



Community Health


Community Health

Community health is one aspect that continues to grow in the present world that
requires an effective strategy when using evidence to identify needs as well as resources and
opportunities required to assist the community and contribute to enhancing their lives. The
attempt to respond to some of the community needs requires determination and commitment
to the set population health research and evaluation. There is also the need of collaborating
with other organizations that are committed to the participative approaches. Besides, the
government can help in some of the participative approaches thus forming a crucial partner to
the community (White & Nanan, 2008). Responding to the set community needs requires the
establishment of community initiatives that would contribute to the revelation of how the
community incorporates the health goals within the broader public agendas. Some of the
initiatives may reveal some of the integrated approaches as well as the commitment to
evaluate the process and outcomes.
The development of the initiatives requires strong elements of broad strategic thinking
that may include social development, healthy public policies, and the development of the
health systems. Strategic thinking is essential in the development of any community as it
contributes to creative thinking about the future that may include the future needs o...

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