1-2 Activity: Management Skills for Project Managers

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Business Finance



This activity will allow you to explore essential skills needed for project management.

Empirical evidence suggests that a project manager's authority, autonomy, and conflict-management skills are essential for delivering projects within the approved schedule and budget. Create a graphic organizer that describes the skills listed below in the context of the organizational structure. Are they essential skills for project managers?

  • Authority
  • Autonomy
  • Conflict management

Make sure you apply theory, scholarly resources, and course concepts throughout.

To complete this assignment, review the Module One Activity Guidelines and Rubric document.

Guidelines for Submission: Your one-page graphic organizer should adhere to the following formatting requirements: Consider a free online graphic organizer tool, such as Creately, Popplet Lite, or Bubbl.us, to create this assignment, and submit your graphic organizer as a PDF, JPG, PPT, XLS, or DOC file.

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QSO 640 Module One Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview: Activities in this course are designed to actively involve you in various project management scenarios and help you apply the concepts covered in the course to real-world situations. They provide practice in the following:      Differentiating common organizational structures and how they affect project processes and activities Describing methods for conflict resolution Prioritizing projects Communicating/distributing project information to team members and stakeholders Evaluating whether a team is working effectively Prompt: Empirical evidence suggests a project manager’s authority, autonomy, and conflict-management skills are essential for delivering projects within the approved schedule and budget. Create a graphic organizer that addresses the critical elements below. The following critical elements must be addressed: I. II. III. IV. Describe authority and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure. Describe autonomy and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure. Describe conflict management and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure. Apply theory, scholarly resources, and course concepts. Guidelines for Submission: Your one-page graphic organizer should adhere to the following formatting requirements: Consider a free online graphic organizer tool, such as Creately, Popplet Lite, or Bubbl.us, to create this assignment, and submit your graphic organizer as a PDF, JPG, PPT, XLS, or DOC file. Critical Elements Authority Exemplary (100%) Meets “Proficient” criteria and illustrates with examples Proficient (90%) Describes authority and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure Autonomy Meets “Proficient” criteria and illustrates with examples Describes autonomy and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure Needs Improvement (70%) Describes authority and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure, but there are gaps in logic and/or content misconceptions Describes autonomy and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure, but there are gaps in logic and/or content misconceptions Not Evident (0%) Does not describe authority and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure Value 25 Does not describe autonomy and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure 25 Conflict Management Meets “Proficient” criteria and illustrates with examples Describes conflict management and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure Application of Theory, Scholarly Resources, and Course Concepts Articulation of Response Competently incorporates concepts/theory from course material/scholarly resources Applies theory, scholarly resources, and course concepts Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-toread format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Describes conflict management and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure, but there are gaps in logic and/or content misconceptions Incorporates some theory, scholarly resources, and course concepts Does not describe conflict management and its importance for project managers in the context of the organization’s structure 25 Fails to apply scholarly resources, theory, and course concepts 15 Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%
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