paper for philosophy

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We often think that science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics (STEM) are pursuits grounded in objective facts,

neutral when it comes to questions of morality, religion, and

individual perspectives. But is that really true?


was driven b


a deep connection to mysticism and

the idea

that “God is number”.

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Reflection Paper #1 PHIL 3127: Science, Technology & Human Values Due Date: Friday, October 5th, 11:59 PM Format: Word document or PDF (turn in via Canvas) Length: 750-1250 words (that’s 3-5 pages of double-spaced, 12 point font) Impact on Final Grade: 15% Relevant Course Policies:  Extensions: granted with sufficient communication and documentation, in cases of significant illness or personal emergency. See the bottom of page 6 in the syllabus for details.  Late Work: it’s accepted but not advised, as you will forfeit some of your grade as a result. See the middle of page 7 in the syllabus for details.  Academic Honesty: Write your paper yourself and cite your sources. Make sure you (1) turn in original work, and (2) give credit for ideas and content that came from someone else. See page 6 in the syllabus for more information on this policy. Note also that your paper will be run through Turnitin, which is a plagiarism detection service integrated with Canvas. It will dynamically assess your paper for similarity with a variety of online sources, papers in its large database, and so on. If you’ve written your paper yourself, and cited your sources, then you will be fine – so do that! o Feel free to use whatever citation method you’d like…but this APA Citation Format Guide may be helpful if you’d like someone to tell you what to do and/or how to do it. [] Feedback on Drafts:  Due to the number of students in this class, we are unable to provide feedback on your drafts. However, feel free to come to office hours (Ruth’s or any of the TAs) to discuss one or more parts of your paper. For example, if you’d like to know if you’ve identified good questions, come to office hours and ask about it! If you’d like to know if your position/argument makes any sense, come to office hours and ask about it! And so on and so forth. Grading Criteria:  See page 3. Questions? Email Ruth/Dr. Poproski and/or come to her office hours. Page | 1 Reflection Paper #1 PHIL 3127: Science, Technology & Human Values The Assignment Pick a topic area Choose between the following: 1. Responses to Science [Week 3, fact-value divide] 2. Big data and its consequences [Week 4] 3. Research with animals [Week 5] Select one Extra Notes: case/scenario/  You may choose something discussed in class if you’d like, example but do remember that part of your grade is earned on the (relevant to basis of creativity – so you’ll need to develop some original your topic) thoughts to earn an A on the paper! that you think  Look for reliable sources to confirm details of your case presents an  aim for 3 independent sources to corroborate the story interesting (and if relevant, aim for political diversity in your sources!); question about right/  sources can include news articles and other items found wrong, moral around the internet, but should provide enough detail so responsibility, that you can present a robust account of the situation; and so on.  if in doubt, ask your TA and/or Ruth if your sources are good enough. Identify three important issues or questions raised by your case. To get started, think about how the topic might intersect with some of the following:  Your area of study  Your religious perspective  Your own moral code  The area where you grew up  Your parents’ jobs  Your future aspirations (e.g., career and jobs and whatnot)  Things that make you cry  Things that make you mad  How you spend your money  Etcetera and so on Determine your own response to each issue or question. To get started, think about:  What might people who disagree about this say?  What are the consequences (philosophically speaking) of different views?  Are there connections between your chosen scenario and other important things in the world?  What are some foundational assumptions people make when responding to your chosen case? Page | 2 Reflection Paper #1 Write it Up, using this outline as your guide (and noting that each section is likely to consist of multiple paragraphs) PHIL 3127: Science, Technology & Human Values 1. Introduce your Scenario: explain it clearly, giving your reader enough information to understand what has happened (or is happening, etc.). 2. Introduce your 3 Questions/Issues: explain them clearly (e.g., provide a concise statement of each issue or question, use examples as necessary, connect to other questions/issues, etc.) and explain the importance of these questions/issues. 3. Provide your Response to 1 Question/Issue:  It should be easy to pick out and follow your response;  Be sure to explain your position. Write in a way meant to convince your reader that you are reasonable and right;  Provide at least one way in which someone might disagree with you, and explain why they’re mistaken. 4. Wrap It Up: Drive your point home by emphasizing the key takeaway(s), identifying important next steps in the discussion, and so on. Grading Criteria: Completion  Have you provided all of the required components, in the requested format?  Have you cited your sources? Relevance  Is your selected case relevant to your topic area?  Are your questions/issues relevant to your case?  Is your response relevant to your question/issue?  Does your discussion contain contemporary/real-world application? Creativity  Have you used compelling examples that contribute to the case you are making?  Have you developed unique thoughts, specifically curated by you, for the purpose of this paper?  Have you gone beyond discussion from class, recitation, in the textbook, and in your homework assignments? Have you done so in interesting ways? Sophistication & Depth  Have you presented a position and a discussion that involves a variety of nuances and dimensions?  Have you considered more than one perspective on the question at hand?  Have you explained your reasoning behind your response to the prompt?  Does your reasoning include an explanation of your claims, with additional defense provided for claims that something is “obvious” or “just the way things are”?  Have you considered a realistic objection/response to your discussion, and adequately addressed it?  Does your discussion address underlying principles and assumptions related to your topic area? Page | 3
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Neutrality of STEM Field
The last five hundred years, believing in science was a death sentence, and Giordano Bruno was
sentenced to death because he refused to denounce freethinking of philosophy and science.
Another notable figure is Galileo Galilei who was saved from burning at the stake after he
renounced his belief in Copernicus heliocentric view. There is no doubt that these are the dark
days and the world has evolved from such moments, and STEM has a significant contribution in
the modern society. However as STEM courses have come to be a fundamental part of the
society, it has come to challenge some of the religious and social beliefs that have been observed
for a long time. There have been wide-reaching arguments that most of the STEM courses have
mainly been about inclusion, rather th...

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