Communications and Ethics

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Business Finance


  • Focus on the organization for which you work or with which you are otherwise involved. Examine this company's communications related to ethical behavior within the company as well as its corporate social responsibility. Research and document the organization's internal and external communication, such as mission statements, credos, et cetera, in regard to its values and ethics. Then complete the following:
    • Analyze how the company's internal communications help support ethical behavior within the company. Examples of ethical behavior include embracing diversity and protecting confidential corporate data and private data.
    • Analyze how the company's external communications reflect its commitment to social responsibility. Examples of social responsibility include indicators such as dedication to community service, compassion for the disadvantaged, commitment to charitable giving, and concern for the environment.
    • Propose potential improvements to internal communications that would help increase ethical behavior in the company.
    • Propose potential improvements to the external communications that would help bolster the company's public perception as a socially responsible company.

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• Focus on the organization for which you work or with which you are otherwise involved. Examine this company's communications related to ethical behavior within the company as well as its corporate social responsibility. Research and document the organization's internal and external communication, such as mission statements, credos, et cetera, in regard to its values and ethics. Then complete the following: o o o o Analyze how the company's internal communications help support ethical behavior within the company. Examples of ethical behavior include embracing diversity and protecting confidential corporate data and private data. Analyze how the company's external communications reflect its commitment to social responsibility. Examples of social responsibility include indicators such as dedication to community service, compassion for the disadvantaged, commitment to charitable giving, and concern for the environment. Propose potential improvements to internal communications that would help increase ethical behavior in the company. Propose potential improvements to the external communications that would help bolster the company's public perception as a socially responsible company. Additional Requirements o o o Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th ed.) style and formatting. Include a properly formatted title page and references page. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point
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Communication And Ethics
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Communication And Ethics
Communication is an essential aspect of any organization, as it forms its foundation. It builds
people’s attitudes towards the organization while helping obtain and release information in the
organization. It enhances the relationship between the employees and the customers and other
stakeholders. Every organization has its way of communicating, and that makes it unique.
Organizations also have codes of ethics that unite people in the organization. In an organization,
a system of ethics refers to a set of rules that are set by the organization that every employee
should abide by. The code of ethics aims to ensure fair practices, healthy competition, and proper
relationships among the stakeholders. In this paper, I will discuss the communications related to
the ethical behavior of Nike Footwear Company.
How the company's internal communications help support ethical behavior within the
Communication is essential in ensuring that all know the ethical conduct of the organization. In
the Nike footwear company, ethics are crucia...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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