Create a function that pulls a picture from a URL and creates a thumbnail saved on your local machine

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Create a function that pulls a picture from a URL and creates a thumbnail saved on your local machine.

Since this assignment specifies that the picture should be saved as a "thumbnail," the full answer should include a function which resizes the image down to a thumbnail size (saveThumbnail2). However, if the picture pulled from a URL was a thumbnail originally, your function should just save the image without resizing (saveThumbnail1).

Capture a screenshot of your output. Paste the screenshot into a Word document.

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1) The first line is 'import urllib', followed by 'def myCreate():' followed by the triple quote description, as in: import urlib def myCreate(): """ myCreate() function pulls a picture from the internet and creates a thumbnail and saves it to my computer. """ 2) You do not want to save the picture from the web in a hard coded path on your computer. I will not be able to access it. In JES, add the line: path = setMediaPath() 3) A Windows Explorer pop up should come up. Browse to the folder you just created to do this assignment and press Open. The path is now set. In my example, this would be "C:\Users\Janet\Week3\" 4) To get the picture from the web, use data = urllib.urlretrieve(, ) In my example, I would code: data = urllib.urlretrieve("", path + "myPicture.jpg") This places the internet picture in my Week3 directory. You can place this picture anywhere you want on your system. 5) Get this file by coding: file = getMediaPath( In my example, this would be: file = getMediaPath("myPicture.jpg") The first command sets the path and the second command uses the path to find your picture. They should be used after each other in your code. 6) Make a picture by coding: picture = makePicture(file) show(picture) Follow along in the text on pages 176-177 on how to make a smaller picture, ie thumbnail. To help you scale the picture, 2 helpful methods are: width = getWidth(picture) height = getHeight(picture) To create the canvas for your thumbnail: canvas=makeEmptyPicture(int(width/4),int(height/4)) Note that the '4' is your scale, this depends on your picture size. I would go as much as '8', but if you need something bigger, I would find another picture. In both for loops, use 'width/scale' for target and 'length/' for target. Your thumbnail should be in the100x100 range, a little smaller or bigger works. Too small or too big does not. Once out of the loop, save your thumbnail as follows: writePictureTo(canvas, "C:\Users\Janet\Downloads\half_myFile.jpg") show(canvas) Again, substitute your local path. Finally, just call the function with: """ Pull a picture and create a thumbnail """ myCreate() Save your .py file in JES by choosing File->Save Program As... Make sure to use the .py extension on your file name. Some programming style hints are: 1) Indent 4 spaces for each block of Python code. Don't use tabs. Using less tabs makes your code harder to read. 2) Include the short descriptions of each class, function, method and main code in the triple quote comments. This is called a docstring inPython. There are different styles. You can keep one line descriptions all on a line as in: """ This is a description. "" • or as I prefer, I put the triple quotes each on a separate line """ This is a description. """ Docstrings are used by various tools to automatically document the code in Python. If this is still Greek, please get in touch. -Please note that in order for me and other uses to use your Python file, you need to ask for the folder path for where to put the file retrieved from the internet. In the main code, before you call your function, ask the user for the folder path: """ Pull a picture and create a thumbnail """ userPath = requestString("Enter the folder path for the downloaded file.") print userPath myCreate(userPath) In your function, change the following lines: def myCreate(userPath): ... data = urllib.urlretrieve(, userPath + "myPicture.jpg") .... writePictureTo(canvas, userPath + "half_myFile.jpg")
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