How much water do we use?

User Generated




How much water do we use?

For one week, calculate your own personal daily number

day 1 + day 2 + day 3 + day 4 + day 5 + day 6 + day 7 / 7 )(calculate how much you consume every day, 7 days in a row, and divide by 7 to get daily average).

20 pts.

Teeth Brushings__________

Dishwasher loads_________

Toilet Flushes_____________


Hand/Face Washings____________

Glasses of water Drunk__________________

Average Shower Length in minutes___________

Face/Leg Shavings___________________

Clothes/Washing Loads_________________________

After you collect the information above, go to (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and calculate your consumption of water in gallons per day. If this water use calculator does not work for you, find another one.

  1. Average Daily Consumption = ____________________gallons
  1. How could you reduce your daily consumption? Please be specific and detailed and provide 4 different ways.

What could you do?

How would that save water?

  1. Please go back and re-calculate your daily water consumption taking into consideration your answers at point 2. How much will be the new, reduced water consumption?

Reduced daily water consumption=________________gallons

  1. Compare your daily consumption noted at points 3 and 1. By what % can you reduce your water consumption?

Percent water savings daily ____________________%

  1. If you live in a town of 100,000 people, how much water is needed daily by your town, if people consumed water like you did?

Water needed daily by a town of 100,000 people _____­­­­­­­________________________gallons

  1. Can a country be wealthy and have economic growth without water? Why? What is water used for? How would water shortages affect jobs and economic growth? Please answer, explain, and give examples.

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