Basically need to read the pages in the attached files and create 5 of your own quiz questions based on the reading. The format needs to be
Question: [whatever question you come up with]
A. [possible answer]
B. [possible answer]
C. [possible answer]
D. [possible answer]
E. [possible answer]
ANSWER: [whatever the answer is from the above options]
FEEDBACK: [Here is just a simple explanation of why that answer is correct and what page number (from the attached file) you found the information]
None of the questions can be an "all of the above" type answer.
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Explanation & Answer
Surname 1
Gender, Policy and Work
1. What contribute to the failure of many approaches that attempt to theorize the varieties of
capitalism or welfare state regimes?
a) Neglecting gender relation structures and political mobilization and how they
affect the division of labor.
b) There reference to class and gender relations.
c) Failure to explain different types of political systems
d) They use the three worlds of welfare capitalism.
e) Failure to explain different economic systems in different countries.
Answer: Neglecting gender relation structures and political mobilization and how they
affect the division of labor.
Feedback: The approaches explain the differences between the types of economic and
political systems without referencing to class and gender power relation. Pg. 123.
2. Which one of the following is not a mechanism used to limit women’s ability to work in
full-time jobs in welfare systems that support family as the preferred ...
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