Decision Making in the Simulation

User Generated


Business Finance


APA Format

At Least 3 References

At Least 350 Words

Company Name: CHESTER

Project Manger of LOW END - CEDAR

Assignment Objectives:

Demonstrate collaborative, analytical and communication skills

Demonstrate the integration and utilization of key concepts and knowledge from prior courses to solve the selected problem

Select and apply the analytical tools associated with operational decision-making and optimization

Assignment Description:

Write 500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Reflecting on your learning in the MBA program, section 4.2 of the CapSim Team Member Guide, and Pettus, Chapters 5 and 6, identify and explain the value of a marketing strategy that could lead to market dominance for your product and/or company. What decisions are you considering in Practice Round 1 to maximize your market share? Discuss your approach in terms of the marketing mix variables.

Include in your assessment:

  • Your approach to each of the marketing mix variables (product (R&D), price, place, and promotion)
  • Approach to growth in terms of market penetration, development and product development as discussed by Pettus in Chapter 6.
  • How your strategy can be achieved through CapSim decisions.

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USER NAME :22830631


Attached: Previous Assignment, Chapter Reading Material Ch. 5 & 6, Section 4.2 CapSim Team Member Guide

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Explanation & Answer


Marketing Strategies
Affiliated Institution

A great marketing strategy is essential in achieving a higher market share. The
higher market share a company has, the more the company acquires competitive
advantage (Hassay, 2010). Competitive companies remain successful as they get
better pricing deals from their suppliers who also benefit from the large orders that
such companies make. Great production and high market share are two variables that
go hand in hand. A company's marketing share can be increased through
strengthening relationships with customers, innovation, practicing smart hiri...

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