write a 1000 word essay

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Hi. I need to write a 1000 word essay about research methodology. Its all about Nursing. Harvard referencing system. Talk about quantitative and qualitative. Ethics. Strengths and weaknesses

it should not be more than or less 1000 words. no plagiarism. and the reference is not included in the word count

please check attached file for complete details thanks.

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The title of this piece of work is Research Methodology. In this brief piece of work, you will consider the following: What is research? How does research contribute to my practice area and the ethical issues that might be involved? Define and provide referenced understandings of the paradigms of qualitative and quantitative research, and an explanation of the ideas and concepts that are involved. The strengths and weaknesses of different research methods within the qualitative and quantitative paradigms. For the formative assessment you will write 1000 words under the title "Research Methodology". You will provide a referenced definition of what is research, .consider how research relates to your area of practice and define and consider ethical issues pertinent to your particular specialist practice. You will discuss an understanding of qualitative and quantitative research and the ideas associated with these approaches. Your discussion will be supported by references which will be formatted consistent with the Harvard style of referencing. The formative assignment has been designed to have relevance to the module outcomes (see below). It is intended that much of what you write can be used in the final assignment, or at the very least that your thinking has begun to be informed by a research aware approach whereby you can process research and interpret this information, and then apply it to practice. Learning outcome 1: Critically analysing different research methods that are used within the health and social care environment. Learning outcome 2: Explain and discuss different data collection methods, and the appropriate data analysis approaches commonly used within health and social care settings. Learning outcome 3: Discuss and examine different approaches to research and consider their strengths and weaknesses, and reflect upon how various conceptual backgrounds influence the choice of specific research methodologies. Learning outcome 4: Evaluate the importance of ethical dimensions in the research process within health and social care environments. Strictly no plagiarism. Please provide the reference within 5 years (2013-2018). Reference is not included in the word count (eg: the correct use of referencing, citations, footnotes etc.). Please provide depth study all through out research methodology towards healthcare professionals- nurses.
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Research Methodology 1


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Research Methodology 2
Research Methodology
The evolution of the models for delivering health care services is due to changes in
consumer demand and other economic factors. Aside from these imperatives practitioners and
organizations are expected to place patient safety at the core of their clinical and non-clinical
practices. Therefore, it is not surprising that the clamor for increased use of evidence in nursing
practice is critical to delivering affordable and quality health care services across the world. The
increased emphasis on nursing research is among the new paradigms for nurses due to its role in
the delivery of patient-centered and ethical care that is driven by evidence-based practices from
the application of either the qualitative or quantitative research methodologies.
Research is defined as the quest for knowledge about a phenomenon or concept that
would result in the promotion of the elements that are relevant to the resolution of issues or
improvement of current systems through recommended practices (Bryman 2016, p.23). In
nursing, research entails the acquisition of knowledge about the health of humans and methods
for the promotion of their wellbeing through full lifespans through the application of actions and
practices that ensure the delivery of care and interventions for the potential health problems. For
example, nurse researchers must be ethical when complementing the findings of other
researchers on the causes and treatment of diseases by deriving appropriate clinical interventions.
Parahoo (2014) stated that nurses have the ethical responsibility to serve as liaison
between patients and their families, which should result in the development of the evidencebased practices that generate data for intervention for health conditions (p.10). As a general
practice nurse that plan to play active roles in an interdisciplinary clinical care team, the conduct
of research would enable to the generation of evidence and new knowledge areas that would lead
to better care for the patients. Specifically, the engagement in investigations into the practices

Research Methodology 3
and standards in the care environment would contribute to the development of specific
equipment and tools for different categories of the patient population. It is an imperative of
healthcare in the United Kingdom to eliminate some of the challenges for providing acute
patient-centered care for pediatric patients that rely on monitors and systems that are designed
for the vital signs of adults.
A further reason for the desire to become a researcher in my field of practice is the need
to increase the safety of health information technology by reducing their role in medication
errors and employee burnout, which are important factors that could impact patient outcomes
negatively. However, the conduct of these research investigations has ethical implications such
as patient confidentiality, protection of the integrity of medical records, and informed consents
from parents and caregivers. Interestingly, these issues are not ethical ones but part of the legal
and regulatory requirement of the NHS that nurse researchers must recognize and avoid in their
quest for generating new paradigms for high quality and affordable health care services.
Berger (2015) described the qualitative research methodology as one that is designed for
emphasizing the investigation of the approaches that are used by people to interpret their
experiences or apply its occurrence to understand their world and the environment. He further
stated that a quantitative research method is a form of inquiry that aimed at understanding the
complexities of the relationship between the elements of the concepts without changing or
controlling the parameters of the research (p.220). Therefore, it can be inferred that qualitative is
different because it is more descriptive and suitable for human subjects than the quantitative that
is designed to generate a variety of responses in the natural context of the study. An additional
difference between the research techniques is that the qualitative design would lead to the
generation of new information as a means to strengthening the current body of knowledge on the

Research Methodology 4
topic which is impossible with the quantitative method. An example of the difference can be
observed in their application in nursing research where the nurse is interested in understanding
the factors that influence positive patient experience during hospitalization. In this case, the
quantitative researcher would administer standardized questionnaires or other survey instruments
while the one that is interested in the qualitative study would conduct open-ended or semistructured interviews of the sample population.
Furthermore, it is essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of these research
methods as a means of identifying their suitability under various conditions and settings. Choy
(2014) wrote that the advantages of the qualitative of the qualitative research approach include
the provision of the perspective of homogenous exploration; the generation of additional issues
that can lead to further inquiry, and an increased understanding of the behaviors of values,
beliefs and assumptions" (p.101). However, the scholar stated that the weaknesses that are
inherent in the use of the research approach are that lack of objective and verifiable results, the
need for highly skilled interviewers, and increased time for data collection (p.101). In contrast,
the quantitative research method has the reliability of the analytical process, reduced timeframe
for data collection, and facilitated responses from the sample population as its strengths. While
these strengths are responsible for its increased application in nursing research for developing a
strong base for practice evidence, the researcher must recognize its weaknesses including the
lack of human perspective, inadequacies of its process for a large-scale study, and lack of depth
of the experience of the participants (Choy 2014, p.101).
In conclusion, nursing research is crucial for the generation of evidence-based practices
for improving the quality and safety of patient care and an imperative for affordable and
accessible health services. While the nurse research has the options of using either the qualitative

Research Methodology 5
or quantitative methods, it is essential to understand their purposes and relevance to the subject
or topic that is being studied. Finally, it is vital to understand the strengths and weaknesses of
each method before their selection since such knowledge is essential for generating the right
evidence and information for improving the discipline.

Berger, R., 2015. Now I see it, now I don’t: Researcher’s position and reflexivity in qualitative
research. Qualitative research, 15(2), pp.219-234.
Bryman, A., 2016. Social research methods. Oxford university press.
Choy, L.T., 2014. The strengths and weaknesses of research methodology: Comparison and
complimentary between qualitative and quantitative approaches. IOSR Journal of
Humanities and Social Science, 19(4), pp.99-104.
Parahoo, K., 2014. Nursing research: principles, process and issues. Macmillan International
Higher Education.
since guidelines are designed to promote a safe environment for workers, patients, and their


Research Methodology 1


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Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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