what is the load carrying in unit tones?

User Generated




250 kg/cm2 load was applied in hydraulic jack,jack piston diameter 5 inch and length 6 inch what is the load carrying in unit tones?

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Explanation & Answer

Force = Pressure * area

The pressure
250kg/cm2 = 3554.84652 lb/in2

The area
area = pi*r2 3.14 * (2.5 squared) 3.14 * 6.25 = 19.625 in area

Force = 3554.84652 * 19.625

force = 69763.8567 lbs

1 ton = 2000 lbs

69763.8567 / 2000 = 34.8819284 tons

-----> Answer - 34.8819284 tons

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