Society and Technology Journal: "Technology and Social Class"

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Computer Science



I need assistance with the following journal assignment:

Technology is reducing distinctions between social classes, while others argued that it may be creating larger and more pronounced divisions. For this assignment, you will write about your observations of technology and social class.

Prompt: First, spend some time observing people in a public space such as a shopping mall or park, and analyze what you see in terms of technology and social class. Once you complete your observation, address the following in your journal assignment:

A. Describe the people and setting where you performed your observation.

-Based on your observations, who frequents the space? What socioeconomic status do the people appear to fit within? What leads you to that conclusion?

- What types of technology did you observe people using? How were they using the technology?

- How would you characterize their use of technology? Was it empowering them or limiting them?- Who was the space intended for in terms of socioeconomic status? How do you know?

B. Draw a conclusion about the role of technology in our social structure.

- Based on your observations, what role would you argue technology plays in social status?

- Is it reducing distinctions between classes, reinforcing them, or both?

Thank you

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IDS 403 Module Seven Journal Guidelines and Rubric Technology and Social Class Overview: The learning resources in this module presented different viewpoints on the role of technology in social class. Some authors or presenters argued that technology is reducing distinctions between social classes, while others argued that it may be creating larger and more pronounced divisions. For this assignment, you will write about your observations of technology and social class. Prompt: First, spend some time observing people in a public space such as a shopping mall or park, and analyze what you see in terms of technology and social class. Once you complete your observation, address the following in your journal assignment:  Describe the people and setting where you performed your observation. A. Based on your observations, who frequents the space? What socioeconomic status do the people appear to fit within? What leads you to that conclusion? B. What types of technology did you observe people using? How were they using the technology? C. How would you characterize their use of technology? Was it empowering them or limiting them? D. Who was the space intended for in terms of socioeconomic status? How do you know?  Draw a conclusion about the role of technology in our social structure. A. Based on your observations, what role would you argue technology plays in social status? B. Is it reducing distinctions between classes, reinforcing them, or both? Note: Keep in mind that this assignment is not meant to be a short paper. You are welcome to use scholarly resources and additional research if you feel the need for it, but this is not required. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your journal assignment must be submitted as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA or MLA format. Critical Elements People and Setting Role of Technology Proficient (100%) Describes the people and setting observed Explains the role of technology in the social structure Needs Improvement (85%) Describes the people and setting observed, but description is cursory or lacks detail Explains the role of technology in the social structure, but explanation is cursory or illogical Not Evident (0%) Does not describe the people and setting observed Does not explain the role of technology in the social structure Value 45 45 Critical Elements Articulation of Response Proficient (100%) Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Needs Improvement (85%) Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Not Evident (0%) Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas Total Value 10 100%
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