Leadership In IT

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Business Finance


  • Evaluate effective leadership theories and strategies for information technology decision-making in real-world situations.


Mike is newly assigned project manager responsible for the implementation of a new online banking system that improves security and automates many functions normally performed by bank-tellers. Mike is new to the project management field and has limited management experience. During Mike’s first in-person meeting with the Bank’s leadership board the following business objectives were provided:

1. Get acclimated with your new team.

2. Determine who would be best suited for each of the following positions; assistant project manager, communications lead, and finance lead.

Mike has never met his new team members but has learned from reviewing their previous performance appraisals that they each bring different experience to the team.

Sally: Highly experienced Information Technology specialist for over 15 years. Sally has worked on several previous projects and is known as a self-starter. She is motivated by achievement, advancement, and recognition.

Joe: Known as an extremely technical engineer that has also made some careless decisions. While Joe is very proficient at his job, he can be difficult to manage and does not do well in a team dynamic. He has recently submitted work after the assigned completion date, and seems to be losing motivation.

Kevin: Very little experience but eager to learn. Kevin wants to please his boss and team mates. He is not confident and spends a lot of time seeking approval. He has a high need for affiliation and feeling connected to his peers.


Because Mike is inexperienced, the board’s leadership has asked him to create a strategy in regards to how he will integrate himself and provide leadership to a newly formed team.

  • Create a detailed written recommendation explaining the approach that Mike should take to orient himself with his new team.
  • -What should Mike do prior to his first meeting with the team?
  • -What would be discussed during the first meeting?
  • Explain which team member you would choose for each position (assistant project manager, communications lead, and finance lead) on the team and explain why.
  • What leadership style might work best for Mike to lead each team member? What motivational theory would work the best to motivate each individual? List two ways you would motivate each individual.
  • The report must be written using Microsoft Word. The body of the recommendation must be 2-3 pages not including the title and reference pages.

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B A 3 4 Proficiency Mastery Create a written recommendation Created a detailed written explaining the approach that Mike recommendation explaining the should take to orient himself with his approach that Mike should take to new team, but it is lacking some orient himself with his new team. detail. Explained which team member you Explained which team member you would choose for each position would choose for each position (assistant project manager, communications lead, and finance (assistant project manager, communications lead, and finance lead) on the team and explained lead) on the team but did not include explanation about why. why. Explained in some detail which Explained in great detail which leadership style would work best for leadership style would work best for Mike to lead each team member and Mike to lead each team member and listed the motivational theory that the motivational theory that would would work the best to motivate each work the best to motivate each individual. individual. Listed two ways you would motivate Listed two ways you would motivate each individual. each individual and explained why these motivations would meet their needs. Included mostly proper grammar, Included proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
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