creating quiz questions for a lesson

User Generated




Basically need to read the pages in the attached files and create 5 of your own quiz questions based on the reading. The format needs to be

Question: [whatever question you come up with]

A. [possible answer]

B. [possible answer]

C. [possible answer]

D. [possible answer]

E. [possible answer]

ANSWER: [whatever the answer is from the above options]

FEEDBACK: [Here is just a simple explanation of why that answer is correct and what page number (from the attached file) you found the information]

None of the questions can be an "all of the above" type answer.

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Explanation & Answer


1. What effects does a service-oriented and knowledge-intensive economy have on
workers unions?
a. Avails more resources
b. High employment rates
c. Good managemenet
d. interferes with the original environment of production and allows for the development of
new strategies in workers union to represent the varying interests of workers
Answer: interferes with the original environment of production and allows for the development
of new strategies in workers union to represent the varying interests of workers
A service-oriented and knowledge-intensive economy interferes with the original environment of
production and allows for the development of new strategies in workers union to represent the
varying interests of workers. It crea...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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