Assignment 3 – Use Case Models
The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to create use case diagrams, a detailed use case, use case mockups, and an activity diagram for the detailed use case using the ITOT Case Study.
In this assignment you will create a use case diagram with use cases and actors, a detailed use case for Manage Shopping Cart use case using the table version of the Use Case Template, a use case mockup (sketch or design) with dialog (see p. 226 in your textbook for a "mockup" for an ATM interface), and an activity diagram for the detailed steps of the use case. The Use Case Template describes the contents of the template in part A and provides a form for the detailed use case in part B. The detailed use case table template is already in your Analysis Specification. You will complete this assignment and add it to your Assignment 2 submission from last week. You will submit an updated analysis specification. See the Quick Resources at the end of this assignment for relevant links.
For each of your diagrams, include your name and course number directly in the diagram.
You will complete the following sections in your Analysis Specification:
Sections 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4
You will need the following documents:
1 .IT Online Training Project Requirements 2018R2
2 .Use Case Template (Section A explains the sections in the template. Definitions of each item in the template is included in Section A. Section B. Use Case Detailed Template has a copy of the template but note that it has already been placed in the analysis specification.)
3 .Your Assignment 2 renamed as ENTD321Assignment3_FirstNameLastName
1. In addition to your textbook and lessons, review and read the examples and guidelines in the Quick Resources at the end of this assignment. The Quick Resources are also part of your readings in the lessons but are listed here to make it more convenient.
2. Identify, list, define, and describe all actors and all use cases for the IT Online Training application. See items 1-6 in the Requirements document. The name of the use case is listed as well as the details.
2.1 Section 2.3. Identify and define each actor (a role a person or group will play in interacting with the system) who will use the application. Use the definition template for your actors: "A nameOfActor is a ...." and complete the sentence. For example an actor for the case study would be Customer, Schedule Administrator, etc. Try to identify who will actually use this system. Place your actors in a a table format as illustrated in Section 2.3 of your analysis specification. Insert your table in Section 2.3.
2.2 Section 2.4. Create a list of use cases for the application. See the Week 3 Lessons for how to identify use cases. Use cases are named as verb + object. Do not use nouns. Use cases are action oriented and need to be named accordingly like giving a command. See items 1-6 in your Requirements document for use cases including the name and details. For example a use cases might be Manage Course, Manage Shopping Cart, Maintain Customer, etc. In addition, you will need a description of each use case. The description needs to clearly identify what the use case accomplishes and any data required to complete the use case. The better description you have, the easier it will be. Place your use cases and descriptions in a table form as illustrated in Section 2.4 of your analysis specification. Insert your table in Section 2.4.
3. Sections 2.2, and 2.2. Create a UML use case diagram with your CASE tool or other tool. It must be in UML format. A use case diagram includes symbols for actors and use cases. A line is used to connect your actors to the use case they use. Insert your use case diagram in Section 2.1 of your analysis specification. Create a description of your use case diagram and insert it in Section 2.2.
4. Section 2. Complete Section 2. System Use Case Diagram (an introduction to the contents of the section) in your analysis specification.
5.Sections 3, 3.1.1. , 3.1.2.For the use case Manage Shopping Cart, complete the detailed use case table in your specification. You do not have any choices here. Read the discussion about the Shopping Cart in the Requirements document. See REQF6.1-REQF6.2 for Manage ShoppingCart. This use case includes several other use cases which you should have included in your use case diagram already. The the detailed use case description provides the details for your use case. Make certain that you complete the entire template for your one use case. Also make certain that you number your use case steps sequentially. The actor starts with step #1, then the System responds with step #2, etc. Continue this alternating pattern between actor and system. You are essentially defining a procedure so the steps must be numbered and make sense logically. Make certain that your detailed steps are complete. Start your detailed steps with the phrase "This use case begins when...." and complete the sentence. This essentially defines a trigger for the use case. Remember to state where the includes use cases are to be performed. See the Lessons for a discussion and link to an example. Also include "Login" only as a precondition for your use case. This means that your use case starts after the actor has logged in. This is a good practice since login would be a prerequisite for almost any activity on the web site. You also do not want or need to deal with login in each use case. See the Medical Calculator SRS Excerpts for an example of a detailed use case and mockups of the screens for this mobile application example. See also Maintain Instructor Use Case Example in the Quick Resources at the end of this assignment for another example.
Complete your Manage Shopping Cart detailed use case in Section 3.1.2 of your analysis specification. Also change the <Use Case 1 Name> lines in Section 3 in your analysis specification to include the name of your use case. This occurs in Section 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4. Insert your description of your use case above into Section 3.1.1. Complete Section 3.
6. Section 3.1.3. For your detailed use case Manage Shopping Cart, create mockups (sketches or designs) of forms/screens required for your use case and a dialog. Assume that you have to present your use case to your sponsors and must use a presentation that has the form mockups. The dialog is just text you would use to explain each form. It must follow your detailed steps of your use case. This will serve to validate your use case and you may make changes to your detailed use case steps as you develop the dialog. The mockup serves as a guide in developing your use case steps. You can use any software for this like or even PowerPoint or Word. Our CASE tool does not support mockup diagrams. A mockup is just a prototype of a form like p. 226 in your textbook Insert your mockup and dialog in Section 3.1.3 in your analysis specification.
7. Section 3.1.4. For your detailed use case Manage Shopping Cart, create an activity diagram and add it and a discussion to Section 3.1.4.
Submission Instructions
1. Submit your updated Analysis Specification as a Word file.
2. When you submit your Word file, use your name as part of the file name, e.g., ENTD321Assignment3_FirstNameLastName and make certain that your name and course number are at the top of the file.
Your assignment will be graded with the following rubric:
Rubric for Assignments | Points |
Content & Development 50% | 50/50 |
Organization 20% | 20/20 |
Format 10% | 10/10 |
Grammar, Punctuation, & Spelling 15% | 15/15 |
Readability & Style 5% | 5/5 |
Timeliness (late deduction 10 points) Optional | |
Total | 100/100 |
Quick Resources
Use Case Diagrams
1. Ambler, Scott (n.d.). System Use Cases: An Agile Introduction. Retrieved from
2. See Scott Ambler’s article Reuse in Use-Case Models: <<extend>>, <<include>>, and Inheritance retrieved from
3. See for other examples of use case diagrams.
4. See Larman, Chapter 6
Using a CASE Tool for Use Case Diagrams
1. Visual Paradigm. (2016 March 4). Drawing use case diagrams. Retrieved from
Activity Diagrams
1. Please see for an example of an activity diagram.
2. Ambler, Scott (n.d.). UML2 Activity Diagrams: An Agile Introduction. Retrieved from
3. Ambler, Scott (n.d.). UML2 Activity Diagramming Guidelines. Retrieved from . This style guide includes general guidelines, activities, decision points, guards, parallel activities, Swimlanes, and action objects.
Using a CASE Tool for Activity Diagrams
1. Rmb1905. (2009 March 10). 9.01_Activity Diagrams Basic Symbols. [Video file]. Retrieved from
2. Visual Paradigm. (2016 March 4). Drawing activity diagrams. Retrieved from
3. Visual Paradigm. (2016 March 4). Splitting control flow in activity diagram. Retrieved from
Use Cases, Detailed Use Cases, and Mockups
1. See Maintain Instructor Use Case Example for a use case diagram, detailed use case, and mockups with dialog for the ITOT Case Study.
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