This week we are looking at hegemonic masculinity, feminism, gender, and power. How do we explore these difficult questions of power and sexism but also include women’s voices which have traditionally been left out of the dialogue? Language is deeply rooted in power, and the construction of gender has left women’s voices in the periphery. As we look at feminism and criminology as well as women policing, you are charged this week with thinking critically about women’s voices in the realm of power and control—control not of other people but of women themselves in the arena of crime and policing, both of which have been relegated to men and masculinity.
- In your own words, define “hegemonic masculinity” and give an example from one of the videos from this week’s required material.
- Getting at difficult questions, think about your favorite relative or friend asking if you think the U.S. is a patriarchal society. After reviewing the material this week, how would you respond?
- Finally, using research, back up your arguments with at least one scholarly source.
Provide a thoughtful post of 2-3 paragraphs, citing 1-2 scholarly sources. Remember to encourage discussion, proofread, and demonstrate your understanding of the material by citing properly.