Macroeconomic research paper

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Write a research paper on macroeconomics

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I. Introduction: The Science of Macroeconomics Required: Mankiw, Ch.1. Snowden and Vane, Ch.1. II. The Data of Macroeconomics Required: Mankiw, Ch.2; Ch.10, p.280-289. III. The “Classical” Macroeconomic Model 1. Employment and Output Determination Required: Mankiw, Ch.3, p.47-58. Snowdon and Vane, Ch.2, p.36-45. Recommended: Ackley, Ch. 6, “Wages, Prices, Employment and Production,” p.124-130. 2. Say’s Law and the Loanable Funds Market Required: Snowdon and Vane, Ch.2, p. 45-50. Recommended: Ackley, Ch.7, “Saving, Investment and the Rate of Interest,” p.141-148. 3. Money and Inflation: The Quantity Theory of Money Required: Mankiw, Chapter 4; Ch.5, p. 105-112, 131. Snowdon and Vane, Ch.2, p. 50-54. Recommended: Ackley, Ch.5, “Say’s Law and the Quantity Theory of Money;” Ch.6, p.130-137, Ch.7, 148-156. IV. Keynes’ Macroeconomic Model 1. The Consumption Function and the Multiplier Required: Mankiw, Ch.16, p.476-479. Snowdon and Vane, Ch.2, p. 58-65. Recommended: J.M. Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Chs.8, 9 and 10. Ackley, Ch. 10, “The Consumption Function,” p.208-220. Hansen, Ch.3, “The Consumption Function,” and Ch.4, “The Marginal Propensity to Consume." 2. Investment Expenditure , Animal Spirits and the Marginal Efficiency of Capital Required: Snowdon and Vane, Ch.2, p. 58-65. J.M. Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Chs.11 and 12. Recommended: Hansen, Ch. 5, “The Marginal Efficiency of Capital.” 3. The Speculative Demand for Money and the Liquidity Trap Required: Snowdon and Vane, Ch.2, p. 58-65. J.M. Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Chs.13 and 15. Recommended: Ackley, Ch.9, “Some Obstacles to Full Employment,” p.171-182, 192-193. Hansen, Ch.6, “Liquidity Preference.” 4. Unemployment Equilibrium and the Keynesian Cross Required: Snowdon and Vane, Ch.2, p. 58-65. Mankiw, Ch.11, p.313-324. Recommended: J.M. Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Ch.2, p.18-21; Ch.3 J.M. Keynes, The General Theory of Employment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Hansen, Ch.1, “The Postulates of the Classical Economics and the Principle of Effective Demand.” ECO 4451 International Trade Research Paper Instructions:  The text of your paper (not including bibliography) must be approximately 1500 words – absolutely no less than 1300 words.  You must include a bibliography. Use either MLA or APA format. o MLA: o APA:  You must include at least two refereed journal articles within your citations.  You must use third-person format. (No “I” or “you”)  No title page, no table of contents  Abstract optional (if you choose to include an abstract, it should be no longer than 150 words)  Times New Roman, size 12 font (title can be larger)  Standard margins  Double-spaced Rubric: Content Length (at least 1500 words) Use of two refereed journals, cited within text and bibliography Proper MLA or APA citations used within text and bibliography Correct formatting (See “Sample Format for Research Paper) 70 points 10 points 10 points 5 points 5 points I will take off 10 points for each day the paper is past due. I will be using Turnitin. If I detect any hint of plagiarism, you will receive a 0%. Title of Paper Written by G.P. Manish Abstract Text of abstract. No more than 150 words. Optional. The point of an abstract is to briefly summarize the main points of your research paper. Introduction Text of introduction. Section 1 (title your choice) Text of section 1. Section 2 (title your choice) Text of section 2. Section 3 (title your choice – you have use as many or as few sections as you see fit) Text of section 3. Conclusion Text of conclusion. No more than 250 words. Required. Works Cited (aka bibliography – in this example, I use MLA format) Matarrita-Cascante, David. "Beyond Growth: Reaching Tourism-Led Development." Annals of Tourism Research 37.4 (2010): 1141-63. Print. Kreider, Brent. “Optimal Wage Taxation When Human Capital and Employment are Endogenous.” Economic Inquiry 46.4 (2008): 660-674. Print. Use as many works cited as needed.
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Microeconomics Research Paper
Institution Affiliation




The theory that explains the relationship between money and inflation is one of the oldest
economic principles that explain the relationship between money supply and inflation in an
economy. It demonstrates that the general prices of commodities in an economy are affected by
the quantity of money in supply. This paper evaluates the relationship between inflation, money
supply, and output. Its purpose is to demonstrate the theory of money. It will show the
relationship between money and inflation through fisher’s theory, discuss its assumptions, and



Money, inflation, and the aggregate output commonly known as the gross domestic
product are connected. When of them changes, the others change about the change making the
economy balance. The relationship between money, inflation, and output is referred to as the
theory of money supply. In this theory, the product of the money in circulation and the rate the
money exchanges in a country is equal to the product of inflation and output. Velocity refers to
the rate at which money changes from one user to another.
The Quantity Theory of Money
This theory of money circulation is a concept that was developed a long time in the 16th
century as a result of the trade of gold and silver which were being traded to create coins and
resulted in inflation. The equation MV = PY is the interaction between the money circulation and
inflation, M stands for the amount of money supply V is the rate at which money changes hands
in the market. P is the price level of commodities while Y is the real national income. In the
equation, if the velocity remains constant, an increase in the amount of money in supply will
cause a change in the cost of products or will change the national income.
If there are sufficient jobs to satisfy the demand in the economy, its national income is
also close to the maximum output, and therefore any c...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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