Understanding Sexuality

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View the Human Sexuality Case Studies: Understanding Sexuality in Ourselves and in Our Relationships (attached below). Each case study is related in some way to the material covered in the unit readings and materials. Read each case study and select one on which to base a research paper. Try to choose the case study that you can do the best job of relating to the criteria given below. Do not restate the case study within your paper. You should only identify and refer to the selected case study as needed to illustrate your points.

Using your selected case study, write a 3–4-page paper that accomplishes the following. You may wish to use the APA Paper Template provided in the Resources to write your paper.

  • Identify and describe the concept(s) and the general perspective or approach to human sexuality that the concept falls under (such as gender theories, instinct theory, psychodynamic, or developmental), using correct terminology from the course. If the concept or perspective is closely associated with the writings of a particular theorist (such as Freud, Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, and so on), then provide that information. Explain how the concept fits the case study.
  • Select a minimum of two scholarly sources that support your explanation of how the concept fits the case study. Connect what you have learned in your research by integrating and combining information from your source articles with the case study.
  • Examine and explain how ethical standards guide professional behavior as it relates to the issues and concepts identified in the selected human sexuality case study. You must state the specific ethical standard that relates to the topic or issue highlighted in the case study and explain how this ethical standard guides professional behavior.

Your paper should follow a logical structure and be evidence-based. Use the MEAL plan to help guide the organization of your paper:

  • Main Idea: Present the main point/idea that you are making about your chosen concept related to sexuality and relationships.
  • Evidence: What does the research say? Support your statements with evidence from the literature.
  • Application: Summarize the main ideas from articles related to your chosen case study. Apply concepts that relate directly or indirectly to your main point. Make explicit links between source articles and your paper.
  • Link: Integrate and combine information from your source articles with your main point/idea.

Conduct independent research for resources and references to support your paper. Provide a reference list and in-text citations for all of your resources, in APA format. You may cite texts and authors from the unit readings, as well as any additional reputable resources you find on your own.

You are urged to use Capella University's Writing Center, a resource to help you develop clear and effective writing. You will be able to receive feedback on your writing, use writing resources, discover new writing strategies, and explore different ways to draft, revise, edit, and proofread your own work.

Review the Understanding Sexuality Scoring Guide to learn the grading criteria for this assignment.

Submission Requirements

  • Written Communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA Formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
  • Length: The research paper should be 3–4 pages in content length. Include a separate title page and a separate references page.
  • Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced. Use Microsoft Word.
  • Number of Resources: Use a minimum of two scholarly resources.

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HUMAN SEXUALITY CASE STUDIES Understanding Sexuality in Ourselves and in Our Relationships SCENARIO 1 – AMANDA While Amanda is home for spring break during her junior year of college, her 15-year-old sister confides to her that she has started having sex with her 16-year-old boyfriend. She proudly explains to Amanda that the two of them discussed the decision carefully and went to the family planning clinic together. They decided to use the hormonal patch, which provides contraceptive protection for a week. They also use condoms as a backup measure because both of them are fearful of an unintended pregnancy. Neither one had ever had sexual intercourse before. Amanda is shocked by her little sister's news, and she tells her so. She believes her sister is too young for sexual intercourse, and she knows her parents would feel the same way. Her sister admits that her parents would disapprove but maintains that she has been mature and responsible in her decision making. She is surprised and resentful about Amanda's reaction, telling her that she is being an overconservative prude and warning her not to tell their parents or she will never speak to her again. The two sisters have always had a close relationship and have shared many secrets over the years, but Amanda feels very torn this time. She believes that her sister has made a mistake that may be significant enough for her parents to become involved. In her own relationship, Amanda and her boyfriend have been talking about intercourse as well, although they have not yet taken that step. Amanda believes that the age difference between herself and her younger sister justifies the decision in her case versus the concern regarding her sister. She is reluctant to hurt the relationship with her sister, which she has always enjoyed and valued. SCENARIO 2 - PATRICIA AND IRA At the end of their third year in college and their 15th month of being a couple, Patricia suggests to Ira that they consider sharing an apartment during their final year of college. They spend most nights together as it is, but both pay for rooms in separate residence halls on the campus. Patricia thinks that the new arrangement would make sense both financially and in terms of what she sees as their growing commitment to each other. She is not entirely certain how her parents will feel about it, but they know about the relationship and she thinks she can reason with them. They will be saving some money on room-and-board costs. Patricia is surprised when Ira expresses some hesitancy about the plan. He reminds her that it will be their senior year and that their plans for after college have not been finalized. He suggests that it might be difficult for them if they end up going their separate ways. Patricia is hurt by this and tells Ira she has been assuming their decisions after college would involve each other. He responds that while this might end up being the case, he thinks they should be cautious about how significant a commitment they make at this point. He also says that he is quite sure his parents would not approve. For Patricia, Ira's reluctance calls into question just how solid the relationship really is, and she tells him how disappointed and hurt she is. Ira reassures her of his strong feelings about her but repeats that he wants to be cautious about making any decisions that might jeopardize future planning. He explains that he thinks they are too young to be forming a partnership this is designed to last forever, even though he hopes at this point that it will. Patricia is bewildered and uncertain about how to proceed. SCENARIO 3 - MIKE Mike has just entered college and has agreed to maintain an exclusive relationship with his girlfriend at home, some 600 miles away. He feels strongly about their commitment and is determined to make it last. He decides that he will not date at all and that his only sexual outlet will be masturbation. During his second month away at college, his circumstances become more complicated. Mike has become friends with other members of the intramural soccer team on which he plays. On a weekend evening in mid-October, the team has a party at an off-campus apartment of some of the upper class students. A women's intramural team has been invited. Mike is happy to attend the party, because he has been feeling down after a phone conversation with his girlfriend earlier in the week. She hinted that maybe they ought to rethink their relationship and even begin seeing others. Mike expressed his anger and hurt over that option, communicating that he wanted to work hard at maintaining their commitment. Eventually, she agreed that she would abide by their original plan, and she apologized for upsetting him. The beer at the party is plentiful, the music is loud, and everyone is having a good time. A young woman sits down beside Mike, and they strike up a conversation. He knows her from one of his biology classes and finds her attractive. Eventually, they become engrossed in conversation with each other. They have a lot in common, and both are having some struggles with long-distance relationships. As the evening progresses, the girl leans over and kisses Mike on the lips. He is surprised at first but reciprocates, and they continue making out. As others begin to disperse, Mike suggests that she come back to his dorm room with him. He explains that he is lonely but also does not want to do anything either one of them will regret. She kisses him and says that she doesn't believe in regrets. On their walk back to campus, Mike realizes that he has had a lot to drink and that he probably isn't making the clearest decisions. He also is very curious about what might develop once they get back to his dorm room. Once there, the young woman lies down on his bed and motions for him to join her. He obliges, and before long they are heavily involved in making out again. Eventually, she reaches down and unzips the fly on his pants, indicating that she is willing to perform oral sex on him.
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