Ch. 8 Case Study Computerized Health Information

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Health Medical


Due to the tropical nature of most of the state of Florida and the large influx of travelers from the southern Atlantic islands, and Central and South America, the spread of the Zika virus is a very real concern. The Florida Department of Health (FDOH) can receive real-time electronic notification of any suspected or confirmed diagnoses of Zika exposure from any hospital or laboratory in the state. Using the patient demographic information received from the EHR’s public health reporting systems, FDOH uses ageographic information system (GIS) to map and track the spread of the Zika virus anywhere in the state. Based on the tracking information, mosquito eradication efforts can be coordinated and focused on the most at risk locations. The respective county health departments can then provide additional and more aggressive screenings on the identified at-risk populations.


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Student Name: Assignment: Ch. 8: Case Study Assignment. Available: Friday, October 12 – Sunday, October 21, 2018 11:59pm. Due: Sunday, October 21, 2018 11:59pm. Assignment Instructions: 1. Use this worksheet to provide your written responses for the assignment. 2. Make yourself familiar with the Computerized Health Records Writing rubric. 3. Provide a well thought out summary response in your own words for the case study assignment. 4. Use your textbook chapter so that you fully understand the assignment and respond appropriately. In addition, you may use the internet when you want to expand further on your learning. 5. At the end of your summary, note references used (textbook: page numbers. Internet: web address providing a link to the specific information you used.) 6. Submit to the designated assignment folder by the specified due date and time. Chapter 8 Case Study: Many new assisted living and memory care complexes are being constructed in north Florida due to a significant increase in the population of individuals over age 50. Local medical societies and HCO administrators are actively working with these companies to establish relationships for continuing care services. As director of HIM at a local hospital, Larry Green has been asked to develop a slide presentation on the EHR and patient portals to members of these assisted living complexes and active senior citizens’ educational centers. Since the audience has somewhat limited medical terminology and technology knowledge, he is tailoring the presentation to meet their needs. Within the presentation, Larry stresses the importance of the EHR and the benefits it provides to patients, such as increased communication between providers, enhanced continuity of care, and improved patient safety. He gives a brief overview and examples of the basic functions such as eprescribing, CPOE, results management, and public health reporting. Larry also gives a demonstration of the patient portal for his hospital. He shows the audience how they can access their patient information, follow-up on lab test results, monitor their blood pressure or glucose levels, ask questions about prescriptions, request or change appointments, schedule educational or healthmonitoring sessions, and address their insurance and account issues. Larry is aware that confidentiality is a topic of concern. Therefore, he addresses interoperability and secure transmission of data between HCOs and providers in his presentation. He also incorporates the HIPAA confidentiality and security information audience members receive when visiting their physicians. Larry concludes his presentation with a discussion of frequently asked questions, and then he allows a significant amount of time to address any other questions the audience may have. Case Study Question Student Summary Question 1: What kinds of privacy and confidentiality features should patients be aware of? Question 2: Discuss how the EHR is making patients safer.
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Student Name:
Assignment: Ch. 8: Case Study Assignment.
Available: Friday, October 12 – Sunday, October 21, 2018 11:59pm.
Due: Sunday, October 21, 2018 11:59pm.
Assignment Instructions:
1. Use this worksheet to provide your written responses for the assignment.
2. Make yourself familiar with the Computerized Health Records Writing rubric.
3. Provide a well thought out summary response in your own words for the case study assignment.
4. Use your textbook chapter so that you fully understand the assignment and respond appropriately.
In addition, you may use the internet when you want to expand further on your learning.
5. At the end of your summary, note references used (textbook: page numbers. Internet: web address
providing a link to the specific information you used.)
6. Submit to the designated assignment folder by the specified due date and time.
Chapter 8 Case Study: Many new assisted living and memory care complexes are being constructed in
north Florida due to a significant increase in the population of individuals over age 50. Local medical
societies and HCO administrators are actively work...

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