Public Opinion Survey and Paper

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Business Finance


Alright so this is the project I was talking about yesterday.I will post the assignment guidelines from my instructor but will highlight the only parts you have to be concerned with to complete for me.

Assignment Guidelines:

Select, as a team, one of the members’ topics from the Individual Assignment: Criminal Justice Policy-Making Matrix and Paper due in Week Two. Drug Legislation 

Design a public opinion poll or survey to elicit information from the key actors about the selected public policy.

Include the following in your survey:

  • The key actors
  • Five survey questions for each key actor
  • The survey instrument you intend to use

Write [1000 word paper] summarizing the rationale of the survey you created.

Include the following in your paper:

  • The key actors
  • Why the key actors were chosen
  • Why the particular questions were chosen
  • A prediction of the survey results
  • The influence your predicted results will have on policy making

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit a copy of your survey with the paper.

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