motivation paper

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plz note this is a peer paper( which means 2 person finish together), however I only want tutor to write my part of paper which is 5 page double space.

the content i need is

introduction of motivation, research of motivation, a summary of a negative or positive motivation experience and interview questions. and a little conclusion.

PLZ SEE ATTACH FILE and online textbook provide

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Motivation Paper Classic economic theory, based as it is on an inadequate theory of human motivation, could be revolutionized by accepting the reality of higher human needs, including the impulse to self actualization and the love for the highest values. Abraham Maslow Read more at: Purpose • To reflect upon an experience and develop a deeper understanding of motivation • Doing so should facilitate your understanding of things that contribute or hinder motivation in yourself and others • As it is done in pairs, it will also develop your ability to interview and interpret the stories of others • You will need to choose at least one experience in your life where motivation was a factor, though you may also contrast a positive and negative experience • The paper can focus on one, or contrast multiple experiences Learning Outcome #1 Motivation Defined • A set of energetic forces that originate within and outside an employee that initiates workrelated effort and determines its direction, intensity, and persistence ๏What do you do? ๏How hard do you do it? ๏How long do you do it? Approaches to understanding motivation • Needs Theories: m otiva tion a s a function of individua l differences in needs • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory • Motivation-Hygiene Theory • McClelland’s Theory of Needs • Process Theories: m otiva tion a s a function of different ways tha t work is desig ned • Expectancy Theory • Equity Theory • Goal Setting Theory Deliverable • ~ 10-15 page paper in APA style • Appendices that include the questions you asked your partner on the experience they chose and a summary of their answers • This provides the rough cut and research for your paper • You do not have to use both experiences in your paper, you can focus on one, compare a positive and a negative experience • It should incorporate some form of a needs theory and some form of a process theory Potential questions • Tell me about an experience where you were highly motivated • Why was it motivating • Were there particular things that enhanced your motivation? • Were there particular things that decreased your motivation? • Were there changes that impacted your motivation? • Did the experience fulfil any needs? • Did rewards play a role? • Did equity play a role? Potential questions • Tell me about an experience where you were highly motivated • Did rewards play a role? (What was the role of rewards?) • Why was it motivating • Did equity play a role? (what was the role of equity) • Were there particular things that enhanced your motivation? • Were there particular things that decreased your motivation? • Were there changes that impacted your motivation? • Did the experience fulfil any needs? • Can you explain the things that made you work hard? Criteria Genera l impression Org a niz ed (hea ding s etc.) Introduction Content covered U se of ta bles/g ra phs A ppropria te a ppendices/references Resea rch (a dditiona l m a teria l) E ffective sum m a ry Writing Genera l P urpose sta ted S ta tem ents supported (i.e. exa m ple g iven) Cla rity of writing Integ ra tion of releva nt course m a teria l Gra m m a r Cited a nd referenced (A P A ) Description Ca se/ event Context Issue: Ana lysis Needs P rocess N/ A P oor S a tisfa ctory Good V ery Good E xcellent Evaluation Form
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