write 2 discussion questions both at least 400 words (all together ) including one quote in each question about the communist manifest by Karl Marx Friedrich Engels. book pages 1-47
Explanation & Answer
What are the different stages of development of the proletariat?
Throughout the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels makes clear that the relationship between the
proletariat and the bourgeoisie will always be antagonistic in its nature. However, the way in which this
battle for survival plays out will vary depending on the stage in which the Proletariat find itself. Though,
“with birth begins its struggle with the bourgeoisie” (Marx & Engels, 1848, pp. 18), it is not until the
proletariat is organized, as a class, that they could hope to stand against their oppressors, the
bourgeoisie. In fact, when the proletariat finds itself in its initial stage – where class consciousness is
replaced by individualist discomfort – they will lash out at other sectors of the proletariat, despite the
fact that they are not directly responsible for whatever fate has been pushed upon the first group of
workers. A modern example in the United States can be found in the attitudes of American workers
towards immigrant workers. It is often claimed that immigrants are the reason why Americans are losing
jobs, as immigrants are willing to work for less. In making this claim, though, the ire is placed at the
displaced worker who takes the o...