Discussing sexual harassment against women and how it correlates to modern music.

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All information is In the attached file but its a write up about sexual harassment against women with the following format

1) sexual harassment as an issue.
2) What inputs precede (lead to) sexual harassment?
3) What is the result (output)?
4) Now, using the feminist lens, identify an initial, intermediate, and extended outcome.

and then using the modern music industry and how the previous 4 steps correlate to it using an actual example such as form, genre and time period of that example. Rest of information is in attached file. (needs to be at least 500 words)

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• • • identify an issue [topic] that interest you that we are discussing in this course investigate how ONE media form (art, or music, or television, or movies, or poetry) represents the issue you have identified identify multiple examples that are representative of the particular genre and time period that support your premise 2) You have consider what 'Inputs' precede or lead to your issue 3) You have already considered the 'results' or outputs. 4) Using the feminist lens, you have considered the initial short-term outcomes, now, EXTEND and APPLY your feminist lens to consider and identify the intermediate or midterm outcomes feel free to include any extended outcomes too 5) You have already thought of a media indicator that you enjoy and are familiar with and have supported and described the evidence of the short term outcomes that you saw in your media. Now, using a SECOND media indicator you have identified - Support and describe the evidence of these outcomes in your media. Media (art, music, television, movies, poetry) are forms of social commentary. In this course we are looking at a variety of topics, and this paper will be the first step towards your final paper, for which you are investigating how media that YOU regularly observe (art, music, television, movies, poetry) represents a viewpoint of one of the issues discussed in this course. Selecting a SECOND media indicator, and limiting the examples to a particular genre and time period allows you to provide additional evidence of this form of communication as a 'real world' statement of a course theme and how they manifest themselves. For this Second Field Assignment, Choose a SECOND media indicator supported by one or more examples (think of form, genre and time period). For example: television, situational comedies, 2005-2015.
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