Discussion response to FAKE NEWS

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media 1


Discussion post response. 500 words. This discussion post is for my media studies class. The instructions with questions are in the document that I attached bellow.

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WRITING DISCUSSION POST #3 Your response to this discussion must be at least 300-500 words. “Alternative facts and fake news are just other names for propaganda” ― Johnny Corn (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. In the past couple of years "fake news" has been a term used towards mainstream media. In your podcasting assignment you may have encountered conversations around this topic. Your assignment is to answer the following questions in 300-500 words: 1. What do you think of Johnny Corn's statement above? How does this pertain to the podcasts you listened to? 2. Find an example of a "fake news" story and then find two sources that support and two sources that debunk this story. 3. Do you think all of media is "fake news?" Do you think this is a problem that we should be concerned about? 4. Do you think fake news has an impact on the listening audience? What do you think are some solutions for this problem? 5. What do you think is the future of "fake news?" I encourage you to do additional research but I am posting several links (click on them they are in blue) and videos and articles that may assist you with your responses. https://www.npr.org/tags/502124007/fake-news https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04rp752 https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/25/us/politics/fake-news-claims-conservativesmainstream-media.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FLimbaugh%2C%20Rush&action=click&content Collection=timestopics®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPl acement=5&pgtype=collection https://futureoffakenews.com/videos.html
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Discussion Response to Fake News
Johnny Corn's statement and podcast’s message
Jonny Corn’s description points to the fact that it does not matter the terms used whether
alternative facts or the tag "fake news," they are all propaganda which is nothing new. In the
podcast, Amol Rajan the BBC media editor describes both fake news and alternative news
highlighting how and why they have gained traction in recent years and how journalists should
respond in an environment that is getting hostile to their delivery of news. In the podcast, the
three visitors affirm the origin and negativity around the description which has now been used as
a term by politicians to discredit mainstream media stations that may offer an opposing view, or
that are critical of their actions (BBC). According to the podcast, the objective is mostly to
discredit the opposes which have commonalities with propaganda and so they echo the words of
Jonny Corn (BBC; Himma-Kadakas).
An Example of A "...

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