Write an essay about hindu aesthetics.

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Write a 7 paragrapgh essay avout hindu aesthetics. I have also attaches requires file with it.

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Link : https://youtu.be/Gqkw8IB3wgg (Hindu ascetics) Assessment Essay: Write a 7 or paragraph essay (single spaced) about documentary Hindu Ascetics. Write in third person. 1. DO you believe the fakirs are holy men or fakes? Why? As you should always don 2. ⁿil 3. Oinpjpn 4. 5. 6. 7. anything like fakirs? (I am from Nepal, Hindu) Do you believe that a living person can be a god as shown in the film? Why? Again, explain why others might disagree with you and any assumptions that you or your opponents, might be making in your arguments. Finally, do you believe in the Hindu concept of avatar which prompts the idea that a god has been in human form many times? Why? again, explain why others might disagree with you, and any assumptions you, or your opponents might be making in your arguments. What social consequences might emerge in a culture that does believe that gods exist in human form? Give a formal MLA citation for the documentary at the end of your paper and find a source about fakirs and another about avatars to cite. Include a paragraph on Fakirs and avatars in between essay Source for Fakirs and avatars Fakirs- Henry, John. “Fakirs still live.” Hindu history. April 22,2022 Avatars- Pearl, Mary. “Secrets of Avatars.” Hinduism Today. May 17, 2017
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Explanation & Answer

Please find attached. Kindly note question 2 and 3 were not clear please clarify for me i make edits. The resources you provided are not readily available. One of the sources has the year 2022, meaning its not yet published, please clarify that too. But i found optional sources for the same questions. Do not hesitate to ask for clarifications and edits.



Ascetics and Religion
An ascetic is viewed as a person who is initiated into a tradition of ascetics by a
recognized guru or receptor. They include those accredited mystics and a saint who may have
initiated themselves. Once an individual has attained maturity, they initiate others thus ensuring a
lineage of ascetics. Avatars, on the other hand, are known as goddess or gods that have
manifested in bodily form (Denton and Collins, 19). Despite both being human in body form
they still hold differences and receive a different p...

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