Visions of Los Angeles Essay

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Select one of the following texts: Real Women Have Curves (2002), Stand and Deliver (1988) The Tattooed Soldier, Devil in a Blue Dress, the novel or the film (1995) and examine one of the characters. In your analysis consider how this individual deals with the challenges in his or her life, how do issues of race, class, and gender affect the characters, and how does s/he navigate around Los Angeles (where does s/he hangout, what kind of food or music does s/he enjoy, how does s/he get around in the city, etc)? Essay should be typed, at least a 12 point font, double-spaced and three to four pages in length (at least 800 words). There is no need for a works cited section but do place your references in the text like so – (America on Film, 8). Remember if you mention films, the first time you list it, it is – Stand and Deliver (1988). If you mention it again, you need only list the title. Remember, it is an upper division college essay. Make sure your first paragraph contains your thesis/argument so it will be clear where your paper is headed. Check the rubric for other qualifications and let me know if you have any questions.

Devil in a Blue Dress - This website is really helpful when determining a character to choose from ( )

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Rubric for Written Work Excellent 1)Topic is limited, focused, Thesis relevant & thought provoking Thesis Purpose Audience Summary Details Evidence Arguments Analysis Structure Coherence Unity Transitions Evaluation Implications Argument Conclusion Style & Mechanics Sentence structure Word choice Grammar Spelling Format MLA or Chicago Good Developing Needs Improvement Unacceptable 1)Topic is limited, focused, & thought provoking 2)Thesis is clearly & confidently stated 3)Writing actively addresses an academic audience 1)Topic is limited 2)Thesis is stated 3)Writing addresses academic audience 1)Topic is somewhat limited but lacks narrow focus 2)Thesis is somewhat vague and lacks focus 3)Writing does not consistently address academic audience 1)Topic is unclear 2)Thesis is vague 3)Writing is not addressed to an academic audience 1)Evidence is logically presented, crafted and developed 2)Points are supported by thoughtfully chosen examples 1)Evidence is logically developed and well presented 2)Points are supported by thoughtfully chosen examples 1)Evidence is adequately developed 2)Points are somewhat supported by evidence 1)Evidence is insufficiently developed 2)Points and arguments are made without evidence or detail 1)Evidence is not developed 2)Points and arguments are not supported with evidence or detail 1)Selection was thoughtfully and appropriately chosen. 2)Analysis is detailed, fluent, coherent and unified 4)Develops consistently and logically 5)Transitions are skillfully used to achieve logically organized writing 1) Response is original, clear and creatively stated 2) Argument is expanded on and critiqued in a sophisticated and interesting way. 3)Paper has a satisfying conclusion, reader is left with an understanding of why subject is important 1)Selection was appropriately chosen. 2)Analysis is detailed, coherent and unified. 4)Develops consistently and logically 5)Transitions are used to achieve logically organized writing 1) Response is original and clearly stated. 2) Argument is expanded upon and well critiqued 3)Thesis is indirectly restated, reader is left with an understanding of the subject. 1)Selection was chosen. 2)Analysis is coherent and unified 4)Generally develops consistently and logically 5)Transitions are used between ideas 1) Selection was unclear. 2)Analysis has some coherency but lacks unity 4)Develops somewhat logically but lacks consistency 5)Some transitions are used 1)Does not have selected section. 2)Analysis is missing or continued summary. )Lacks coherency and unity 4)Lacks consistency and logical development 5)Few or no transitions used 1) Response is clearly stated. 2) Argument is expanded on and critiqued 3)Thesis is directly restated in the conclusion, reader is left with final thoughts on the subject 1) Response is stated 2) Argument is a continued summary. 3) Conclusion is a summary of thesis.. 1) Response is missing or unclear. 2) Argument is unclear or missing 3) Conclusion is unclear and /or vague. 1)Sentences skillfully, thoughtfully crafted, structure varied 2)Word choice is precise, tone enhances purpose of paper and connection with audience 3)Paper is free of grammar or spelling errors 1)Sentences carefully crafted, structure varied 2)Word choice and tone consistent with audience and purpose 3)Few grammar or spelling errors 1)Sentences lack effective phrasing, structure generally not varied 2)Word choice and tone somewhat consistent with audience and purpose, wordy 3)Many grammar or spelling errors which significantly detract from paper 1)Sentences contain awkward phrasing, structure not varied 2)Word choice and tone not appropriate for purpose 3)Excessive grammar and spelling errors make paper difficult to read 1)Parenthetical citations in correct format 2)Works Cited page in correct format 3)Mechanical formatting is correct 1)Few errors in parenthetical citations 2)Works Cited page has only minor errors 3)Mechanical formatting is correct 1)Sentences are adequately crafted, structure somewhat varied 2)Word choice and tone generally consistent with audience and purpose, somewhat wordy 3)Some grammar or spelling errors which distract from paper 1)Some errors in parenthetical citations 2)Works Cited page has several errors 3)Mechanical formatting has only minor errors 1)Inconsistent parenthetical citation format 2)Works Cited page is not consistently MLA or Chicago 3)Mechanical formatting does not consistently follow MLA or Chicago 1)Many errors in parenthetical citation 2) Works Cited page has many errors or is missing 3)Mechanical formatting does not follow MLA or Chicago 2)Thesis is clearly, confidently & skillfully stated 3)Writing is tailored for academic audience Rubric for Written Work Grade: Select one of the following texts: Real Women Have Curves (2002), Stand and Deliver (1988) The Tattooed Soldier, Devil in a Blue Dress, the novel or the film (1995) and examine one of the characters. In your analysis consider how this individual deals with the challenges in his or her life, how do issues of race, class, and gender affect the characters, and how does s/he navigate around Los Angeles (where does s/he hangout, what kind of food or music does s/he enjoy, how does s/he get around in the city, etc)? Essays should be typed, at least a 12 point font, double-spaced and three to four pages in length (at least 800 words). There is no need for a works cited section but do place your references in the text like so – (America on Film, 8). Remember if you mention films, the first time you list it, it is – Stand and Deliver (1988). If you mention it again, you need only list the title. Remember, it is an upper division college essay. Make sure your first paragraph contains your thesis/argument so it will be clear where your paper is headed. Check the rubric for other qualifications and let me know if you have any questions.
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Real Women Have Curves
The film entitled ‘Real Women Have Curves,’ is produced by Columbian born director
recognized as Patricia Cardoso and written by Josefina Lopez (highly based on her own way of
life) and also George LaVoo. This film highly revolves around the story of a Mexican American
family that is living in East Los Angeles and it clearly follows a young woman well-known by
the name Ana (in this case played by Ferrera) who is soon to graduate from high school and has
to make a decision between staying home with her very traditional Mexican born parents or
taking the path of leaving for Columbia University and grabbing the opportunity to explore
whole new contemporary world in New York City. Therefore, this essay is based on how Ana
deals with challenges in her life, how she is affected by issues of race, class, and gende...

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