Persuasive paper 1st draft

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Because good writing is always a process, our persuasive essay will be written in two parts: a first draft due this week and a final draft due in week 6. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length.

As you prepare, here are a few reminders for this week's draft:

  1. In week 3 you posted a thesis for peer review. Use the revised thesis, based on your classmates' and teacher's feedback as the basis for your persuasive paper.
  1. Use your sources to support your thesis. Research and prepare the passages you will consider using. Remember to review methods of paraphrasing, summarizing, and using direct quotations.
  1. Prepare the body paragraphs by deciding where to place supporting information. Remember, each paragraph of the paper should act to build the momentum of the argument.
  1. Apply pathos, logos, and ethos whenever possible.
  1. Finally, remember that it's okay if your ideas, opinions, or sources change during process of writing this paper. Writing makes us think, and it's fine - even beneficial - to have our thoughts change as we express them on paper.

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Explanation & Answer



Running head: VACCINES

Should Vaccines Be Mandatory?



When it comes to vaccination policies, they differ significantly in many nations across
the world. Some countries opt to educate their populace about the importance of vaccination
while others have made the practice mandatory to make sure that there is a high vaccination rate
in the country. This paper, therefore, will assert that vaccines should be mandatory by giving
supporting points in details.
Vaccines would not be mandatory in a better world. This is because parents would get
awareness and education about the diseases which vaccines prevent such as measles, polio,
diphtheria, and mumps among others. Also, they would learn about the effectiveness of these
vaccines to the extent that they would take every initiative to ensure that their children are
vaccinated. Unfortunately, there is no such a world as a better world. The world in which people
are living today is made up of several science-based information of which some data is correct
and some false. For example, parents hear that Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)vaccines
cause autism among other side effects (Gardenier, Koslap-Petraco & Barr, 2015). All this

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