Research Proposal Alcohol and Physical Abuse

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Independent Variable: Alcoholism

Dependent Variable: Person & Relationship

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914/18 Segember PAJI Due) 4 OUTLINE FOR RESZARCS PAPER I. INTRODUCTION Problem formulation a. General description of the area/problem of concer b. Purgose of the research project - The "go what" factor c. Résearch question(s) or hypochesis (es) II. REVIEW OF TEE LITERATURE ; sistorical background/Prior research b. Theory relevant to the major research question c. Summary of important/current literature . III. METHODOLOGY a: Explain and justify how you will measure your variables of interest. (Describe your measurement instzument and discuss how it achieves the purposes of your study..) b. Explain and justiły your sampling procedure c. Provide general. characteristics of your study population à. Describe your research.desiga (qualitative, Experimental, .. single subject; program evalụation) and how it would be carțied out in this study) IV.. DATA ANALYSIS a. State the statistical test you would use for data analysis.. aná the reason that you chose it LIMITATIONS a: Discuss the limitations of your study. .. NOTE: Papers should be consistent with APA style. Suggested length is 6-8 pages. NICOLE HOLLARDER SYLVIA Nocu Girl CHATS About Methodology 87% of the womers Doctors. At the Infectious Disease conference wastles Disavsfiora! - their fanOS AFTER USING the restroom; we know While ONLY 56% this? of the MALE Doctors WASHED. Deprester Regesretl tema Stationed in Restrooms ARAUno the cak I ove Sexe . How do Se pune whed alohelin A? Sephine what physcil abus, is? Research Jopies Hrohel + Physical Abuse Research Question Does alcholin nause physical abuse in a relationship? Hypothesis: Preduct that the abus of alcohol will increase the chances physical abust.
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Alcohol and Physical Abuse Research Proposal
Course Number
State, University



The consumption of alcohol and violent behaviors among the young people and the
married couples have become prevalent in most of the nations with the violent injury presumed
to be the leading factor in causing the death of the adolescents .The relationship that exists
between the use of alcohol and physical abuse in relationships has been explored , but the
researchers have not comprehensively explored on the rationale as to why the consumption of
alcohols results to violence or increased physical abuse in relationships. The feelings and
emotions of volatility, aggression, and hostility which are linked to alcohol indulgence can result
to physical abuse in relationships or cases of domestic violence in the case of married couples
(Savage and Crowley, 2018). Strong links have been depicted that there is a strong relationship
between the consumption of alcohol and intimate partner violence in different nations.
Statement of the Problem
Physical abuse which evolves due to alcohol abuse and consumption can result in health
challenges, injury, and death. Following the postulation which was propounded by the Global
Burden of Disease project in the year 2004, it was anticipated that violence due to alcohol
contributed to 248,000 deaths. Alcohol has an impact on both the physical and cognitive
functioning a fact that reduces the self-control of the individuals making it impossible for the
individuals to embrace the aspect of negotiation when solving conflicts (Esser et al., 2016). The
excessive consumption of alcohol may result in financial challenges, infidelity and childcare
challenges thus resulting in conflict among the spouses. The societal beliefs and assumptions
among the individuals that the consumption of alcohol triggers violence motivate alcohol
consumers to engage in violence after drinking (Freisthler, 2011).Despite the fact that the
researchers have embarked on the exploration on the relationship that exists between the use of



alcohol and the aspect of violence, it can be noted that the researchers have not explored the
extent to which alcohol consumption can result to physical abuse in a relationship. Additionally,
none of the studies have expounded on the relationship that exists between one dependent

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