“The state of competition in an industry depends on five basic forces…The collective strength of these forces determines the ultimate profit potential of an industry.”
- Threat of entry
Identify an “iconic” example of threat of entry. Relate this example to barriers to entry like economies of scale, product differentiation, etc. Provide an example of threat of entry that is relevant for an independent restaurateur.
- Powerful suppliers and buyers
Identify an “iconic” example of powerful suppliers or powerful buyers. Provide an example of powerful suppliers or buyers that is relevant for an independent restaurateur.
- Threat of substitute products or services
Identify an “iconic” example of substitute products or services. Provide an example of substitute products or services that is relevant for an independent restaurateur.
- Jockeying for position/The industry
Identify an “iconic” example of jockeying for position within an industry. Provide an example of jockeying for position that is relevant for an independent restaurateur.
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