Formal report for the Industrial Control Project and Automation
The Abstract
General the main objective of this exercise is to comprehensively evaluate the SCADA system
to understand the measures and procedures involved in developing a SCADA system. The
setting and necessary commands were configures to execute the system. After a couple of
minutes the, the systems transmission and creation of tag was established. Development of
the SCADA screen was accomplished followed by testing to qualify the results obtained. The
SCADA system is very useful in; factories, treatment plants, gas refineries and other areas. It is
generally important in procuring accurate and precise machine control to monitor processes
to ensure no errors occur.
The Table of Content
The Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................................... i
The Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
The aims ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
The methodology .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
The results ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
The display’s main screen .................................................................................................................................... 4
SCADA - Water tank’s process rig ..................................................................................................................... 4
SCADE – The traffic light’s controller .............................................................................................................. 5
The discussion................................................................................................................................................................ 6
The modifications .................................................................................................................................................... 6
The display’s development .................................................................................................................................. 7
The conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
The Introduction
SCADA is an abbreviation for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. . As the name
indicates, it is not a full control system, but rather focuses on the supervisory level. Outcomes
of data that the user inputs and the data provided by the sensor, to help in achieving the
outlined goals are controlled by the ‘PLC’. PLC stands for programmable logic controls. The
PLC follows the commands instructed with to output desired results. If the ladder program in
put into use the PLC displays additional information.
SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a plant or equipment in industries such as
telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, oil and gas refining and transportation.
A SCADA system gathers information, such as where a leak on a pipeline has occurred,
transfers the information back to a central site, alerting the home station that the leak has
occurred, carrying out necessary analysis and control, such as determining if the leak is
critical, and displaying the information in a logical and organized fashion. Tag importation
from the PLAC was among the procedures that were adopted to help in communication
purposes. Few changes and modification were made on the PLC’s ladder programming to
establish a solid interface with the SCADA. The modified system was then used to control
traffic lights and to monitor water in a tank. The report’s set up includes the objectives, the
methodology, the outcomes and the discussion.
The objectives
The main objective of this exercise is to put in work a mechanism capable of monitoring and
controlling traffic lights and the PID controlled ‘process Rig’. The SCADA system is the central
control unit of this exercise. Monitoring of the operations is carried out for the safety of the
users of roads and the water tank.
The methodology
Initially, the necessary changes were made to the Process Rig’s ladder programming and also
in the traffic light’s controller. Screenshots are used for presenting the operation. The
Ethernet LAN enabled PLC communication. The list of tags was imported for both of the
operations. Thereafter, the display screens were created. The process of testing was then
carried out. Figure number 1 shows the tag list for the ‘Process Rig’ that gets controlled by the
PID and for ‘Traffic Light’ controller.
Figure number 1: The tag list
The figure number 2 below shows the SCADA screens that show the ‘Process Rig’ on the main
screen’s left hand side. Whereas, on the main screen’s right hand side, ‘traffic light’ controller
has been shown. Another of the traffic light’ controller’s screen is shown in Figure number 2.
That provides us with the colour display for the traffic lights. Two additional displays are
provided by the Process Rig. The first one pertains to the display of buttons while the second
one pertains to the graphic and numeric display. It also includes the trend lines.
Figure number 2: The screen navigation
The results
The display’s main screen
From figure 3, tank and traffic lights monitoring can be established through the ‘main screen’.
The next page can be accessed by pressing the sub-screen button.
Figure 3: The display of the main screen
SCADA - Water tank’s process rig
Figure number 4 shows the SCADA system pertaining to the operation that is controlled by
the PID. The graph presents the tank’s water level and also shows the water’s set level. The
buttons control the system’s stopping and starting. The POT gets removed and ‘slider’ gets
introduced for the level’s setting. The SCADA screen also displays the values of‘Ki’, ‘Kd’, ‘Kp’,
and the values of the ‘upper limits’.
Figure 4 - The PID screen pertaining to the water tank
The SCADA screen also shows the water’s level, the set value’s level and the discrepancy with
the graphical representation. That is why the trend line’s value is greater than 15s. An
increase in the error (discrepancy) is observed, upon varying the set level. Thereafter, the
tank’s level tends towards the set level in order to reduce the observed error. Upon reaching
the steady state, the discrepancy equals 0.
Figure number 5: The time response of the PID
SCADE – The traffic light’scontroller
Figure number 6 represents more of the traffic light controller’s display on the SCADA screen.
The screen shows the lights for the side road, the pedestrian walk and for the main road.
Switches, in the form of buttons have been provided for the nigh mode, day mode and for the
emergency mode. The main road and the side road are provided with the necessary sensors
and with the instruction loops as shown.
Figure number 6– The traffic lights and the screen for the intersection
The discussion
The modifications
A few modifications are needed in order to integrate the PLC’s ladder programming with the
SCADA program. It is most important to modify the start and stop buttons’ controlling SCADA.
The ‘XIO’ and “XIC” switches are added. This can also be in figure number 7 upon starting the
PLC software.
Figure number 7: The modifications for starting and stopping the pump
The SCADA switches for the OFF and for the ON functionalities are configured to the rung for
changing the set level. SCADA’s switches also control the unlatch and latch bits.
Figure number 8 – SCADA’s control bits
In a similar way, the PLC’s traffic light controller’s portion was modified. The SCADA switches
control the unlatch and latch bits. And the XIO and XIC switches are used for testing the OFF
or ON conditions. These switches are installed right next to the sensor checks for the
pedestrian, side and the main roads. Figure number 9 highlights those changes that have been
carried out.
Figure number 9 – The traffic controller’s modifications
The display’s development
For the display’s development, SCADA controls are used.
The display button for ‘Goto’
In order to navigate from the previous panel to the adjacent one, the ‘Goto’ buttons are used.
These buttons facilitate navigation between the main screen, the PID screen and to the next
screen.. Figure number 10 focuses on these settings.
Figure number 10- The go-to function’s display buttons
The button for ‘return to display’
The inverse task is performed with the help of the ‘Return to Display’ button. Hence it enables
us to navigate back to the previous display. For example it enables returning from the “traffic
light” view to the ‘trend graphs’ view.
The colour animation based drawing
This functionality is used in the SCADE for “traffic lights”, in the ‘main SCADA’ and in the ‘PID
SCADA’. For instance, green colour represents the ‘ON’ state while dark green stands for the
‘OFF’ state. In a similar way, red colour can be used for the ‘ON’ state and dark red for the
‘OFF’ state. Hence light colours represent ‘ON’ while dark colours represent the ‘OFF’ state.
Figure number 11– colour based animation
The momentary push button
Buttons and tags are used for simulating push buttons and for controlling variables. Figure
number 12 focuses on this. That is why, apart from the PID waveform’s display, the
‘momentary push-buttons’ are used almost everywhere.
Figure number 12 – The traffic light’s pushbutton
Water tank level’s bar graph
Bar graphs were used forshowing the required information on the PID’s screen. The Figure
number 13 focuses on this. Its aim was to simulate the slider. The POT controls the slider in
the PLC, for varying the set water level.
Figure number 13– The bar for the tank’s water level
The numeric values’ input cursor
In order to get the values forKi’, ‘Kd’, ‘Kp’, and the integration’s ‘upper limit’ the input cursor
was used. When the numeric values are entered, the associated filed values and the variables
are displayed.
Figure number 14 – Numeric value’s input cursor
The objects in the library
SCADA enables us to utilise variousready-made objects. Primarily the ‘trend’ object was used,
along with the ‘tank’ object. The tank’s colour stands for the water level as shown in Figure
Figure number 15– The tank
The water’s level, the set level and the discrepancy can be seen on the ‘trend’ object,
ashighlighted by Figure number 16. For the line type, the line width and the three values, the
colours are selected.
Figure number16 – The screen for the trendlines
For connecting the SCADE program to the PLC, Figure number 17 shows the Ethernet LAN
Figure number 17 – Communicational setup
The conclusion
For the purpose of industrial control and automation, SCADA is immensely useful. It involves
the process of importing tags from PLC and the creation of the communicational setup.
Thereafter, SCADA’s display screens need to be developed and the complete system needs to
be tested. The requisite modifications also need to be performed.
The ability to control and display numerous operations without causing any time delay makes
the use of SCADA advantageous. The two main operations are displayed on the main screen.
SCADA makes it easy to modify and control the necessary operations. Navigation to the
adjacent screen can be carried out by clicking on the sub-screen. On the other screen, different
control processes and ‘display info’ can be viewed and varied.
A few modifications are carried out for the proper interfacing of PLC’s ladder programming
with SCADA. The water tank’s process rig project and the traffic light’s controller based
project were accomplished with SCADA’s help. SCADE enables the use of the library of various
objects that can be configured, for example for the trend or for the tank. For enhancing user
friendliness, the displays’ design must be done in such a way so as to make the monitoring of
processes and data entry easy. These adjustments lead to an increased reliability. They also
ensure smooth real-time operation. The Ethernet LAN is used for communication, by utilising
the ‘standard protocol’. Despite these advantages, it needs to be realised that SCADA’s tools
cost more and they requirethe presence of experienced operators for their continual working
and design modification.
Using the N7:0 registers for tagging the variable entitled mean “Set_Level” can enhance the
performance. Moreover, the use of signs ‘warning ‘audiovisual’ is required for enhancing the
system’s design.For improved reliability, the data servers (OPC) can be used. This can be done
while utilising various controllers. In the end, to reiterate some of SCADA’s advantages, it also
enables data logging and the use of libraries in tandem, making it quite useful.
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