Physic 2-Lab

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I need someone to help me to write a report and solve five quetions in the end.

Poor 0-1

Beginning 2

Developing 3

Accomplished 4

Exemplary 5

Cover Page


A title that contains the main aspects of the laboratory, with one of the other requirements

A title that contains the main aspects of the laboratory, with three of the cover page requirements.

A title that contains the main aspects of the laboratory, the title of the class with the section number, the student's name, date, and the professor's name.

A title that contains the main aspects of the laboratory, the title of the class with the section number, the student's name, date and the professor's name; proper formatting.



Summarizes the experiment but is missing several key aspects of the results and has little to no understanding of the experimental objectives.

Summarizes the experiment but is missing several key aspects of the results, but does show some understanding of the experimental objectives

Summarizes the experiment and has some key aspects of the results, and shows a clear understanding of the experimental objectives

Summarizes the experiment well, all of the key aspects of the results of the experiment are stated, shows a clear understanding of the experimental objectives.



Little to no understanding of the physics concepts, little to no introduction of terms, equations, topics, units, or learning objectives; fails to introduce any relevant information e.g. instruments of measurement, relevant background information

Some understanding of the physics concepts, a little introduction of terms, equations, topics, units, or learning objectives; fails to introduce any relevant information e.g. instruments of measurement, relevant background information

Understanding of the physics concepts, an introduction of terms, equations, topics, units, or learning objectives; fails to introduce any relevant information e.g. instruments of measurement, relevant background information

Understanding of the physics concepts, with a clear introduction of terms, equations, topics, units, and learning objectives; introduction of any relevant information e.g. instruments of measurement, relevant background information, etc.

Experimental Procedures and Materials


Little to no procedural explanation, no names of scientific instruments and not written in paragraph format.

Little procedural explanation, some mention of scientific instruments written in paragraph format with some errors

A good procedural explanation, good detail in the execution of procedures, clear use of titles for scientific instruments well written in paragraph form.

A great procedural explanation, great detail in the execution of procedures, clear use of titles for scientific instruments, well written in paragraph format.

Results and Data


Some data tables, graphs, figures, etc. little to no explanation of the information, no title or numbering for all tables, graph, figures, etc. little understanding of the results of the experiment.

Data tables, graphs, figures, etc. have a title but missing numbering for reference to some explanation of the information, some understanding of the results of the experiment.

Data tables, graphs, figures, etc. have a title but are not in order of reference, good explanation of the information, displaying an understanding of the experimental results.

Data tables, graphs, figures, etc. all have titles and are numbered for reference, great explanation of information, the clear understanding of the experimental results.



Some understanding of the subject matter, but missing key discussion points.

Understanding of the subject matter has some key discussion points.

A clear understanding of the subject matter, good use of discussion points.

A clear understanding of the subject matter, excellent use of discussion points, and reference material.



Conclusion present, but little to no referencing to previous sections of the report, no mention of data or results, no discussion of experimental objectives or physics concepts.

Conclusion present, some referencing to previous sections of the report, some mention of data or results, little discussion of experimental objectives and physics concepts.

Conclusion present good referencing to previous sections of the report, clear mention of data or results, discussion of experimental objectives missing physics concepts.

Conclusion present great referencing to previous sections of the report, clear mention of data or results; a clear understanding of the experimental objectives and physics concepts.

one month ago

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Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lab Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 L A B O R A T O R Y 3 8 Oscilloscope Measurements LABORATORY REPORT 1A. TIME/DIV = __________ 1B. TIME/DIV = __________ 1C. TIME/DIV = __________ 1A. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 1B. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 1C. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 0V 0V 0V 0s 0s 2A. TIME/DIV = __________ 2B. TIME/DIV = __________ 2C. TIME/DIV = __________ 2A. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 2B. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 2C. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 0V 0V 0V 0s COPYRIGHT ª 2008 Thomson Brooks/Cole 0s 0s 3A. TIME/DIV = __________ 3B. TIME/DIV = __________ 3A. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 3B. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 0V 0V 0s 0s 0s 387 388 Physics Laboratory Manual n Loyd 4A. TIME/DIV = __________ 4B. TIME/DIV = __________ 4C. TIME/DIV = __________ 4A. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 4B. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 4C. VOLTS/DIV = __________ 0V 0V 0V 0s 0s Data Table 1 Voltmeter (V) 0s Data Table 2 Oscilloscope (V) Voltmeter (V) 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 Calculations Table 1 Oscilloscope (V) Calculations Table 2 Intercept ¼ Intercept ¼ Slope ¼ Slope ¼ r¼ r¼ SAMPLE CALCULATIONS None QUESTIONS 1. In the grid labeled 2A, how many complete cycles are sketched in your figure? From your sketch, what is the period of the wave? Using this period, calculate the frequency of the wave for this sketch. Is it in agreement with the frequency used for this part of the experiment? Laboratory 38 n Oscilloscope Measurements 389 2. In your own words, explain why these two sketches in 3A and 3B appear as they do. They both have the trigger level zero, but one has a positive trigger slope and the other has a negative trigger slope. 3. Explain the appearance of sketches 4A, 4B, and 4C. They all have a positive trigger slope, but the trigger level of 4A is zero, the trigger level of 4B is positive, and the trigger level of 4C is negative. 4. For a sine wave, an alternating current voltmeter measures a root-mean-square value that is 0.707 of the peak value of the sine wave. Therefore the peak value measured on the oscilloscope should be 1/.707, or 1.414 times the voltmeter readings. The slope of the data in Data Table 1 that you calculated and recorded in Calculations Table 1 should be approximately 1.414. Calculate the percentage error between your slope for these data and 1.414. COPYRIGHT ª 2008 Thomson Brooks/Cole 5. For a triangular wave, an alternating current voltmeter measures a root-mean-square value that is 0.576 of the peak value of the triangular wave. Therefore the peak value measured on the oscilloscope should be 1/.576, or 1.736 times the voltmeter readings. The slope of the data in Data Table 2 that you calculated and recorded in Calculations Table 2 should be approximately 1.736. Calculate the percentage error between your slope for these data and 1.736. 6. An oscilloscope is set on a TIME/DIV setting of 50 ms. There are 10 divisions on the time scale. A sine wave on the oscilloscope display has exactly three full cycles of the sine wave that fit on the 10 divisions. What is the frequency of the wave?
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Explanation & Answer

Hello buddy. Did you get my concerns? And about your work. Kindly respond and I will be providing the full answers today before I sleep
Hello buddy. Your lab report is ready. Let me know if you need any clarification. Stay Awesome!!!

Laboratory 38
Date: November 2, 2018

Experiment Results

Figure 1. Experiment results

Figure 2. Results continued

Data Table 1 and Resuls


Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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