Hot topics in south America

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Follow instructions and complete short PowerPoint presentation. Please include visuals and speaker notes. Cite all re

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53% il cricket LTE 2:39 PM Hot Topics in South America and Presen... Detail Submission Grade Hot Topics in South America and Presentation Due: Oct 31, 2018 at 2:00 PM There are a variety of topics that are influencing the realm of South America. Many of these are making the news on a regular basis. Pick one of the following issues to research thoroughly and share your findings in a slide show (Powerpoint) or a typed paper (Word): Zika Virus · Venezuelan Government Crisis . Columbia Drug Trade - Brazilian Government Corruption • Argentina Inflation Tourism • The Amazon Previous NE ili KI Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 2:39 PM 53% it cricket LTE Hot Topics in South America and Presen... Detail Submission Grade • BRICS 1. Explain the history of the topic 2. Showcase the countries that have experienced it (include demographics as necessary: race, age, gender, culture, religion) - include a map 3. Explain if this issue is spreading or how it was contained 4. Illustrate the impact in other parts of the world due to the issue (Are other countries getting involved? Why?) 5. Predict the development of this issue in the future (Is there hope for change? Why or why not?) 6. Write in 3rd person (double-spaced in a paper); check capitalization, spelling, and grammar 7. Use APA citations and references 8. Should have a minimum of three solid academic references cited in APA format Coch olida chould contain bullate of Previous NE Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 2:39 PM 52% it cricket LTE Hot Topics in South America and Presen... Detail Submission Grade Uues yeur viveu: Wy: 5. Predict the development of this issue in the future (Is there hope for change? Why or why not?) 6. Write in 3rd person (double-spaced in a paper); check capitalization, spelling, and grammar 7. Use APA citations and references 8. Should have a minimum of three solid academic references cited in APA format 9. Each slide should contain bullets of information and images to support main point (text slides only throughout the presentation will result in less points earned.) Projects submitted late will earn 0%, this includes assignments emailed to the instructor at/after 12:01am. Previous NE ili P KI Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox
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History of the virus

Where it was found


Gender, race, religion, culture

How it is spread


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