Question #1 (fill in the blank cells)
Amounts in thousands of US dollars
Property & Equipment, net
Sales Revenue
Operating Expenses
Income from Operations (before taxes)
Q1 Year 1
(March 31)
With the
Without the
Q2 Year 1
(June 30)
With the
Q2 Year 1
Q4 Year 1
Question #2 (fill in the blank cells)
Fixed Asset Turnover with the entries (use average
Property and Equipment net across the applicable
Net profit margin (income from operations before
taxes divided by sales) with the enries
Answer to the discussion part of Question #2
Answer to Question #3
Answer to Question #4
Q3 Year 1
Answer to Question #5
Q2 Year 1
(June 30)
Without the
Q1 Year 2
Q3 Year 1
(Sept 30)
With the
Without the
Q4 Year 1
(Dec 31)
With the
Without the
Q1 Year 2
(March 31)
With the
Q1 Year 2
(March 31)
Without the
Due November 2, 5:00pm
10 points
Read and complete the below case (with some modications from your textbook). You
should complete all questions using one Excel worksheet in the Excel document provided
on D2L. Complete the 2 tables provided on the Excel worksheet to answer questions #1
and #2. Use the provided four text boxes on the Excel worksheet to complete question
#2 and to answer questions #3-#5. All of your analyses will be done using operating
income (not net income after taxes) so you can ignore income taxes.
Evaluating an Ethical Dilemma: A Real-Life Example
Assume you work as a staff member in a large accounting department for a multinational
public company. Your job requires you to review documents relating to the company's
equipment purchases. Upon verifying that purchases are properly approved, you prepare
journal entries to record the equipment purchases in the accounting system. Typically,
you handle equipment purchases costing $50,000 or less.
This morning, you were contacted by the executive assistant to the chief financial officer
(CFO). She says that the CFO has asked to see you immediately in his office. Although
your boss's boss has attended a few meetings where the CFO was present, you have never
met the CFO during your three years with the company. Needless to say, you are anxious
about the meeting.
Upon entering the CFO's office, you are warmly greeted with a smile and friendly
handshake. The CFO compliments you on the great work that you've been doing for the
company. You soon feel a little more comfortable, particularly when the CFO mentions
that he has a special project for you. He states that he and the CEO have negotiated
significant new arrangements with the company's equipment suppliers, which require the
company to make advance payments for equipment to be purchased in the future. The
CFO says that, for various reasons that he didn't want to discuss, he will be processing
the payments through the operating division of the company rather than the equipment
accounting group. Given that the payments will be made through the operating division,
they will initially be classified as operating expenses of the company. He indicates that
clearly these advance payments for property and equipment should be recorded as assets,
so he will be contacting you at the end of every quarter to make an adjusting journal entry
to capitalize the amounts inappropriately classified as operating expenses. He advises you
that a new account, called Prepaid Equipment, has been established for this purpose. He
quickly wraps up the meeting by telling you that it is important that you not talk about the
special project with anyone. You assume he doesn't want others to become jealous of
your new important responsibility.
A few weeks later, at the end of the first quarter, you receive a voicemail from the CFO
stating, “The adjustment that we discussed is $910,000 for this quarter.” Before deleting
the message, you replay it to make sure you heard it right. Your company generates over
$9 million in revenues and incurs $8 million in operating expenses every quarter, but
you've never made a journal entry for that much money. So, just to be sure there's not a
mistake, you send an e-mail to the CFO confirming the amount. He phones you back
immediately to abruptly inform you, “There's no mistake. That's the number.” Feeling
embarrassed that you may have annoyed the CFO, you quietly make the adjusting journal
For each of the remaining three quarters in that year and for the first quarter in the
following year, you continue to make these end-of-quarter adjustments. The “magic
number,” as the CFO liked to call it, was $525,000 for Q2, $720,000 for Q3, $1,010,000
for Q4, and $980,000 for Q1 of the following year. During this time, you've had several
meetings and lunches with the CFO where he provides you the magic number, sometimes
supported with nothing more than a Post-it note with the number written on it. He
frequently compliments you on your good work and promises that you'll soon be in line
for a big promotion.
Despite the CFO's compliments and promises, you are growing increasingly
uncomfortable with the journal entries that you've been making. Typically, whenever an
ordinary equipment purchase involves an advance payment, the purchase is completed a
few weeks later. At that time, the amount of the advance is removed from an Equipment
Deposit account and transferred to the appropriate equipment account. This hasn't been
the case with the CFO's special project. Instead, the Prepaid Equipment account has
continued to grow, now standing at over $3.3 million. There's been no discussion about
how or when this balance will be reduced, and no depreciation has been recorded for it.
Just as you begin to reflect on the effect the adjustments have had on your company's
fixed assets, operating expenses, and operating income, you receive a call from the vice
president for internal audit. She needs to talk with you this afternoon about “a peculiar
trend in the company's fixed asset turnover ratio and some suspicious journal entries that
you've been making.”
1. Complete the first table in the Excel document on D2L to determine what the
company's accounting records would have looked like had you not made the
journal entries as part of the CFO's special project. This will demonstrate how the
decision to capitalize amounts, which were initially recorded as operating
expenses, affected the level of income from operations in each quarter. Note that
when you make corrections to the Property and Equipment, Net account you need
to accumulate the amount of the correction. For example, in Q1 Year 1 the
correction to Property and Equipment, Net account results in a balance of $39,000
minus $910 or $38,090. In Q2 Year 1 the correction would be $35,000 minus
$910 from the prior quarter minus another $525 or the current quarter or $33,565
and so on. You will likely find it helpful to include in your spreadsheet the
adjustment amounts for each of the 5 quarters so you can refer to those cells when
doing your calculations.
2. Complete the second table in the Excel document on D2L using the given “with
the entries” numbers. You will need to compute the fixed asset turnover ratio
(rounded to three decimal places) for the periods ended Q2–Q4 of year 1 and Q1
of year 2. Note you can’t answer this for Q1 of Year 1 because you don’t have
beginning fixed assets. For these same 4 quarters you will also need to calculate
the net profit margin. Discuss in a few sentences, how these two ratios are
changing over time and whether the trends suggest a problem.
3. Before your meeting with the vice president for internal audit, you think about the
above computations and the variety of peculiar circumstances surrounding the
“special project” for the CFO. Discuss at least three things you think are peculiar
circumstances surrounding the special project.
4. Your meeting with internal audit was short and unpleasant. The vice president
indicated that she had discussed her findings with the CFO before meeting with
you. The CFO claimed that he too had noticed the peculiar trend in the fixed asset
turnover ratio, but that he hadn't had a chance to investigate it further. He urged
internal audit to get to the bottom of things, suggesting that perhaps someone
might be making unapproved journal entries. Internal audit had identified you as
the source of the journal entries and had been unable to find any documents that
approved or substantiated the entries. She ended the meeting by advising you to
find a good lawyer. Discuss in a few sentences, how should you have handled the
situation with the CFO in order to avoid your lawsuit.
5. In the real case on which this one is based, the internal auditors agonized over the
question of whether they had actually uncovered a fraud or whether they were
jumping to the wrong conclusion. The Wall Street Journal mentioned this on
October 30, 2002, by stating, “it was clear . . . that their findings would be
devastating for the company. They worried about whether their revelations would
result in layoffs. Plus, they feared that they would somehow end up being blamed
for the mess.” Beyond the personal consequences mentioned in this quote,
disscuss in a few sentences what other groups could be affected by the findings of
the internal auditors and how the findings would potentially affect them.
This case is based on a fraud committed at WorldCom (now called Verizon). The case
draws the magnitude of its numbers, the nature of the unsupported journal entries, and the
CFO's role in carrying out the fraud from a report issued by WorldCom's bankruptcy
examiner. Year 1 in this case was actually 2001 and year 2 was 2002. This case excludes
other fraudulent activities that contributed to WorldCom's $11 billion fraud. The 63-yearold CEO was sentenced to 25 years in prison for planning and executing the biggest fraud
in the history of American business. The CFO, who cooperated in the investigation of the
CEO, was sentenced to five years in prison.
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