Music writing

User Generated




Imagine that there is a magazine titled Pop Past and Present whose readership is interested in the U.S. popular music covered in our course. article for the magazine that introduces to the readers a musical artist or album of your liking. Include links to songs and images as necessary.

Advocate for readers to seek out the music by explaining how it compares to the music we have explored. The article should describe the artists’ history and music, and it should place them within the context of the history of popular music.

You can note the commonalities or influences (to your ears) other artists may share or have had on yours.

You can also note how your artist fits within the history of musical genres and styles; and how your artist may challenge or expand on such categories.

You can discuss your artist’s relationship to/impact on the popular music industry, including technologies. And you can discuss your artist or album’s relationship to U.S. social, political, legal, and cultural history at the time of its creation, or throughout its legacy.

Papers should be written in 12-point font, double-spaced, with standard margins. Please use MLA or Chicago citation style.

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Surname 1
American Music Popular Culture
The United States popular music scene is as dynamic, and influential that it was ever
before in the history of the nation. Artists come and go, but they leave a lasting legacy that
influences generations, as music is still the most popular form of entertainment to many
people. It marks celebrations, funerals, wars, and many other aspects of our life, and is a
known tool of choice to give voice to the voiceless. Changing innovations and technologies
changed the way music reaches the people, and the way artists get feedback from their
followers, affecting the American musical landscape even further.
One example of an artist who represents this dynamism in the American music scene
is Taylor Swift, which won her critics and followers in equal measures. Born in 1989 in
Pennsylvania where she grew up, she would have a musical break as a teenager aged 14,
which forced her to move from her hometown to Nashville Tennessee. Pursuing her career as
a country music singer, which was very popular saw her album picked at number five from
Big Machine Records on Billboard 200, and her career only climbed from this point. She
would later follow with many other albums as detailed in the paper, and won many awards to
mark one of the most successful careers in the history of music in the United States.
Her music is mostly romantic songs discussing issues of love either found, wished, or
lost, which attracts many young people who identify with this stage of their life. Her

Surname 2
signature guitar and songs such as, “Teardrops on my guitar, our song, picture to burn and
should have said no,” were the songs that helped mark her entry into the music scene. The
success of these songs helped make her a household name and people waited for her next
album to drop, in which t...

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