I have an assignment

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Ergonomics and work place design

Morgan State University


I want a good writer and a perfect work to discribe the environment and the equipment and the furniture of the work station and describe the tools

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Home Assignment #4 Instructions: This is an independent assignment; please do this assignment by yourself. Read the assignment carefully and complete each part outlined in the bulleted list. Your descriptions should be in complete sentences. Your assignment should be typed and your pages should be stapled. Due Date: Tuesday, Nov 5 1. Review your previous homework assignment #3 and make the adjustments or changes I wrote on your assignment 2. identify four (4) elements/actions are involved in your assigned occupation (i.e., job). Some of you have already identified 4 elements in your previous assignment. Describe each element in terms of steps required to complete the task. Example Occupational Job Tosk: Carpenter who builds tables out of wood Step A: Move wood from the shelves of the warehouse to the workstation where the table will be built • Step 8: Measure the wood to match the dimensions of the table that will be built • Step C. Cut the wood with a tool Step D: Get the other materials needed to build the table, etc. 3. Describe the environment where each of the tasks are done (e.g., inside of a factory or office building OR outside in the forest or farm land). Your descriptions should be as detailed as possible. 4. Describe the equipment and furniture of the workstation(s) used for each element 5. Describe the tools and materials used in each element 201 Home Assignme Instructions: This is an inde assignment carefully and ca complete sentences. Your a Due Date: Tuesday, Nov 5 1. Review your previous ho assignment 2 Identity four (4 elemen already identified 4 elem required to complete the Example Occupation Step A: Move w Step : Mensure Step C Cut the • Step D: Get the 3. Describe the environmen OR outside in the forest o 4. Describe the equipment
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Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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