(Report part) “Manufacturing Engineering and materials​” technical writing of reducing the cost with high performance

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Mainly, I need to finish my part which is : (the alternative methods) see the attached pictures of our writing plan of 4 members

my group leader sent me this (((((((since we have to discuss multiple methods/materials we decided to do what is added on the right. Ultimately we’ll talk more about 3D printing since this is all about additive manufacturing. To the right of the methods is all the things we should discuss about each one. We should keep it brief since the statement of work is supposed to be the biggest chunk. So for you if you want you can get started research one of the alternative methods

Then asked her for clarification and respond to me by this message:

((((Yeah i was thinking we could talk about machining it like it is now but with a different material (such as an aluminum alloy) and powder metallurgy (titanium alloy powder) and 3D printing with a titanium alloy. I’ve already started researching the 3D printing stuff like which kind of printing we should use in particular so I can do that part. Then the statement of work part will go into more detail about the 3D printing method))

I need the following:

  • 1.) 1 or 2 figures or tables that help make your points.
    2) 1-3 references at least3.) A list of Mendeley references at the end of the report (must include author, journal/book name, year, and volume at a minimum).

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Additive Manufacturing Assessment You are working for a company that does applied engineering related to manufacturing. Your boss has seen a recent request for proposal (RFP), and wants you to respond with a Phase 1 submission since you are an expert in manufacturing and materials. The RFP states: OBJECTIVE: Optimize a part and develop an optimization process/program. This project will investigate materials and manufacturing methods to reduce the cost yet maintain the relevant performance requirements for an existing part. The Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) armor support ring will serve as a proof of concept. DESCRIPTION: The armor support ring for the AMPV is machined from a billet of titanium (1). Material losses alone make this a highly inefficient: titanium for defense OEM use is about $20/pound. At a diameter of 45 inches, there is far more material lost to the machine shop floor than there is in the final part. Further, machining titanium is not cheap due to how comparatively expensive the tools are, the shorter tool life, and the fact that titanium work hardens; this amounts to about 4x the cost to machine steel. There have been significant advances in manufacturing processes and materials development, as well as innovative applications which combine the two. As an example of the type of changes that could be made consider the report: “Metals Materials Engineering in Tank-Automotive Equipment” (2) which considered weight focused replacements for the M60. This project will investigate the most efficient combination of material substitution and/or innovative uses of modern manufacturing processes. PHASE I: Investigate the feasibility and cost effectiveness of various manufacturing processes and materials options to the current design with the DLA target of 10 to 1 cost reduction as an objective. Define and execute a modeling and simulation test plan that will inform the decision to switch to a new material and/or manufacturing process as well as the associated business case to do so. The best value of material/process/time is the objective. A program such as the PRedictive Integrated Structural Materials Science (PRISMS) (3) may be used a reference/starting point. She is quite excited about the idea of replacing the current process of machining wrought blanks with an additive process. While the idea seems promising, your boss wants to know more about different processes and their ability to produce high quality components. She wants you to respond to the RFP with no more than 10 pages with the following layout. REFERENCES: 1. The AMPV armor support ring is under the gunner platform shown in the top middle of the picture here; https://www.defensenews.com/land/2016/12/15/bae-systems-presents-first-ampv-prototype-to-us-army/ 2. “Metals Engineering in Tank-Automotive Equipment” http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/674643.pdf Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) 3. PRedictive Integrated Structural Materials Science (PRISMS) https://www.mgi.gov/content/predictiveintegrated-structural-materials-science-prisms-center 4. Federation of American Scientists. "M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank." DOD 101. 14 Apr 2000. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m1.htm 5. Stryker Armoured Combat Vehicle Family https://www.army-technology.com/projects/stryker/ 6. The Army Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Strategy www.g8.army.mil/pdf/The_Army_TWV_Strategy.pdf The Technical Volume should cover the following items in the order given below: (1) Identification and Significance of the Problem or Opportunity. Define the specific technical problem or opportunity addressed and its importance. (2) Phase I Technical Objectives. Enumerate the specific objectives of the Phase I work, including the questions the research and development effort will try to answer to determine the feasibility of the proposed approach. (3) Phase I Statement of Work a) Provide an explicit, detailed description of the Phase I approach. If a Phase I option is required or allowed by the Component, describe appropriate research activities which would commence at the end of Phase I base period should the Component elect to exercise the option. The Statement of Work should indicate what tasks are planned, how and where the work will be conducted, a schedule of major events, and the final product(s) to be delivered. The Phase I effort should attempt to determine the technical feasibility of the proposed concept. The methods planned to achieve each objective or task should be discussed explicitly and in detail. This section should be a substantial portion of the Technical Volume section. For your technical volume, please include the following: 1.) An abstract/executive summary 2.) 5-6 paragraphs that answer the statement of work above (please use between 15002500 words). 3.) A combination of 4 or 5 figures or tables that help make your points. 4.) A list of Mendeley references at the end of the report (must include author, journal/book name, year, and volume at a minimum). Please use 1” margins with Times New Roman font at either 11 or 12 point font. Single or double line spacing is fine (I am counting the words, not the pages). ME 383 Project Grading Rubric Grade English Usage and Grammar Abstract Use of Figures and Tables Technical Content Use of References A Excellently written, no grammar or spelling mistakes, appropriate use of technical terms. Strong paragraph structures are present with well-defined and supported topic sentences. Word range 1500-2500 words. Solidly written with isolated grammar or spelling mistakes, confusion on isolated technical terms. Occasional weakness in paragraph structure. An excellently written, concise (
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Explanation & Answer


Additive Manufacturing Assessment


Identification and Significance of the Problem or Opportunity
The company of Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) would like to maintain the

quality of their vehicle parts, this would be solved through the application and the use of billet of
titanium. However, a billet of titanium is too expensive. The significance of the problem includes
how to minimize the costs of materials that would not affect the good performances of vehicle
parts in this company. The company would like to minimize the cost of the materials and other
operations. The application of billet titanium proposed from RFP which, the company manager
would be started to find any ways to make some alternative ways. Proven that, he would like to
have an expert to make the read and deeply understand the RFP, because the cost of materials is
really caught his attention, where there is the possibility that they could not save more once those
materials have applied, though the materials mentioned is proven its good performance and its

Phase I Technical Objectives.

Based on the RFP, billet titanium provides a good performance compared to steel machine.
However, it would too expensive. With this, there are few technical objectives that would clarify
the sufficiency or insufficiency of this proposal on behalf of AMPV company:
1. How long does the life of billet titanium would last from the time it purchased?
2. What makes the billet titanium cost too expensive?
3. During the process, how many vats do the machine will provide?


Phase I Statement of Work

The strategy for vehicle lightweight Engineering is to receive and execute lightweight
materials, for example, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, high-quality steels, or composites. In
spite of the fact that titanium has a better SWR as analyzed than existing car metals and an
extraordinary consumption obstruction, material and handling costs are as yet ...

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